STEP-UP Program
STEP-UP’s mission is to provide academic, logistical, and limited financial support for students who have been formerly incarcerated and/or have suffered from alcohol or drug addiction.
Program Overview
STEP-UP utilizes restorative justice to provide a second chance for students who have made poor choices at some point in their lives. Our program combines support with accountability and community to assist students in making the transition to becoming successful, contributing members of our community.
STEP-UP stands for the Shasta Technical Education Program-Unified Partnership and is a partnership between the:
- Shasta County Sheriff and Probation Departments
- Tehama County Probation and Sheriff Department
- Trinity County Sheriff and Probation Department
- CDCR - Adult Parole Division
- Good News Rescue Mission
- California Heritage YouthBuild Academy
- SMART Business Center
- Tehama County Job Training Center
- Butte County Office of Education
STEP-UP is an educational and vocational training program that provides formerly incarcerated students and students who are currently under court directed supervision with financial. Administrative, and educational support. Students in STEP-UP pursue certificates in technical education (CTE) and/or Associate’s Degrees in a variety of vocational and academic programs which when completed will position them for immediate employability in our community.
Students receive hands-on instruction and the opportunity to apply instruction received in practical situation through internships, industry consortiums, etc. The goal of the STEP-UP Program is to provide the community with a trained and drug free workers while reducing recidivism making our community a safer place.
Program Recognition
- 2019 STEP-UP Success Metrics Comparison (PDF)
- 2019 Certificate of Recognition from Senator Kamala Harris
- 2018 - Present Shasta County Community Corrections Partnership Partner Program
- 2018 California Innovation Award Recipient
- 2018 California State Association of Counties Administration of Justice Program of the Year
- 2017 California Community College Chancellors Office Student Success Program of the Year
Featuring STEP-UP students and program partners.

Shasta College STEP-UP Virtual Graduation Ceremony 2021: Join us as we recognize and congratulate our awesome STEP-UP graduates for their amazing achievements.

CSAC Challenge Award: Shasta County's STEP-UP Program

Shasta College STEP UP with John Livingston

Hear first-hand testimonials on Shasta College's STEP-UP program and how it helps shape a new path for a better future.

Better Jobs: Drew

Students in Shasta Colleges STEP-UP Program Receive New Computers