National research has shown that youth with intellectual disabilities (ID) who have had a postsecondary (PSE) experience are 26 times more likely to be successfully employed upon completing vocational rehabilitation services and earn a 73 percent higher weekly wage than their peers without a PSE experience. California's Department of Rehabilitation responded to this compelling data by allocating funding for College to Career (C2C) programs.

Five pilot programs were launched at California Community Colleges in 2012. Three additional colleges, including Shasta College, received funding from Disability Works California (formerly DOR) to begin serving students in 2015. Each program takes in a cohort of 20 students each year.

The Shasta College C2C program offers:

  • Career exploration activities to help you discover which job will be perfect for you.
  • Job skills classes in your chosen career to give you the tools you need to be successful.
  • Personal support to help you find and keep your dream job.
  • Academic/study skills support to successfully complete classes.
  • The opportunity to take Career Technical Education (CTE) classes in a variety of areas, to earn available certificates or to just gain skills and knowledge to prepare for work in that field.

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