The College to Career (C2C) program can accept up to 20 students per academic year. We currently accept applications at any time throughout the year and will work with you on which semester you would like to begin your college classes. We encourage you to apply early. Applicants who are not accepted into the program can still become clients of Department of Rehabilitation and attend Shasta College with supports from Partners in Access to College Education (PACE) and other campus support services.

In order to apply to C2C you should be:

  • An adult (18 years of age or older) with an intellectual disability or autism, as defined by being:
    • Eligible for Far Northern Regional Center (FNRC) services due to an intellectually disability (ID) or autism.
    • Eligible for FNRC services with qualifying Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ) and any other condition.
    • A Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) participant or eligible and willing to become a participant during their C2C application process.
    • Able to show necessary documentation to work (e.g. Social Security card, CA ID, etc.).
    • Able to attend classes, work, and other program related activities regularly and reliably.
    • Willing to learn to travel to school and work independently (e.g. by bus) if you are not already able to do so.
    • Able to participate in the college campus independently and without supervision.
    • Able to follow the Shasta College Student Standards of Conduct (BP 5500).
    • Willing to complete application processes to determine your eligibility if you are unsure.

Students most qualified to participate in C2C possess the following:

  • Motivation to work and complete college courses.
  • A desire to obtain permanent, paid employment.
  • Willingness to learn to travel to school and work independently, if not already able to do so.
  • Have had some prior volunteer or work experience.
  • A commitment to spending enough time devoted to school related activities to be successful and pass courses with a C or better, such as:
    • Classes
    • Homework
    • Accessing support services (ed coaches, tutoring, counseling, financial aid, seminars, etc.)
    • Meetings with program staff
    • Participating in extracurricular activities (theater productions, athletic events, clubs, etc.)

College is a student driven process!

Successful college students not only actively participate in their education and educational planning, but learn to take the lead. The C2C team, family and other supports, help them build skills to lead their experience as a college student. 

Now Accepting Applications

The College to Career (C2C) program can accept up to 20 students per academic year. We currently accept applications at any time of the year and will work with you on which semester you would like to begin college classes. Please contact C2C to find out more or visit our Application & Eligibility section.

Kendra C. Wells

Administration Contact Info