
Before applying, you must be a Shasta College student or apply for admission and submit an application for the California College Promise Grant.

How to Apply

Now accepting applications for FALL 2025!


EOPS is a program for students who are​ 'economically and academically disadvantaged.' Below are the criteria to determine economic and academic disadvantage. 

A.  The "economically disadvantaged" criteria is determined by: 

The California College Promise Grant (CCPG). You must be eligible for CCPG A, B, or C with an expected family contribution of $0. Complete the CCPG as soon as possible!

B.  The "academically disadvantaged" criteria is determined by any one of the following: 

  • You do not have a high school diploma or GED, or 
  • You graduated from high school with a grade point average below 2.5, or ​
  • You were previously enrolled in basic skills level courses either in high school or college
  • You are a first-generation college student, veteran, member of equity group, current/former foster youth, or primary language at home is not English.

Students who have earned 70 or more units (including units from other college) are not eligible.

Participation Limits

EOPS will provide services to eligible students for up to six primary semesters* depending upon fulfillment of your educational goal and as long as you remain eligible for EOPS.

*May be served for up to eight primary semesters with an accommodation from Partners in Access to College Education (PACE) or more if your educational goal is a high unit major.

Next Steps After You've Been Accepted

Once you have been notified of your acceptance via email, the following steps must be completed prior to receiving EOPS services. 

  1. Register and attend an EOPS New Student Orientation (this is different than a general  Shasta College orientation). Orientation dates will be listed in your acceptance email.

    Preparing for Orientation Day: No guests or children will be permitted. You’ll need to arrive at least 15 minutes early for check-in and to have a casual photograph taken of you for your file. There will be no late entry. This is a one-time orientation if you stay consecutively enrolled and in good standing. You do not need to reapply each semester.
  2. Get registered in at least 12 units; at least 9 units for PACE students.

    Being registered in full-time units will get you an invitation to EOPS Service Pick-Up which is held before each new semester starts. At Service Pick-Up, you'll receive your receive textbook services and schedule a counseling appointment.