California State Universities – General Education
Shasta College 2023-2024 | California State Universities – General Education
Shasta College students will meet the General Education requirements for all campuses of the California State University system by completing the following General Education Program. Shasta College may certify a maximum of 39 semester units from Categories A - F. Courses listed more than once may be used to fulfill the requirements of one category only.
An additional 9 units of upper division work must be taken at a CSU campus to complete the full 48-unit General Education requirement.
For more information, please visit General Education for Transfer.
Fall 2023 – Summer 2024
Courses taken for CSU General Education are applied to categories based on the General Education list for the year they are completed. This is the approved list for courses taken Fall 2023 through Summer 2024. See for prior years.
Category A
Students shall select a minimum of nine (9) units in communications in the English language. Students must select one course from each area.
- CMST 54: Small Group Communication
- CMST 60: Public Speaking
- ENGL 1A: College Composition
- ENGL 1AX: College Composition with Support
- CMST 40: Argumentation and Debate
- ENGL 1B: Literature & Composition
- ENGL 1C: Crit. Reasoning/Reading/Writ
- PHIL 8: Logic
Category B
Students shall select a minimum of nine (9) units in the physical universe and its life forms and in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning. Students shall select at least three units from each area. One of the courses must have a laboratory. Additional courses may be selected from any area. Courses underlined are designated as laboratory courses.
- AGPS 24: Soils
- ASTR 2: Stellar Astronomy
- ASTR 3: Astronomy: The Solar System
- CHEM 1A: General Chemistry
- CHEM 1B: General Chemistry
- CHEM 2A: Introduction to Chemistry
- CHEM 2B: Intro to Organic & Bio Chemistry
- CHEM 10: Chemistry for Liberal Arts
- CHEM 11: Chemistry Lab for Liberal Arts
- CHEM 70: Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 70A: Organic Chemistry Lab
- CHEM 71: Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 71A: Organic Chemistry Lab
- ESCI 1: The Active Earth
- ESCI 2: Earth: The History of Our Planet
- ESCI 3: Mineralogy & Crystal Optics
- ESCI 6: Ancient Life
- ESCI 7: Intro to Geology of California
- ESCI 8: Planetary Geology
- ESCI 9: Earthquakes, Volcanoes
- ESCI 10: Environmental Geology
- ESCI 12: General Earth Science
- ESCI 14: Meteorology
- ESCI 14L: Meteorology Lab
- ESCI 15: Oceanography
- ESCI 16: Coastal Marine Sciences
- ESCI 16L: Coastal Marine Sciences Lab
- ESCI 17: Earth System Science
- ESCI 18: Global Climate: Past, Present, Future
- GEOG 1A: Physical Geography
- GEOG 1AL: Physical Geography Lab
- PHSC 1: Physical Science Survey
- PHYS 2A: General College Physics
- PHYS 2B: General College Physics
- PHYS 4A: Physics (Mechanics)
- PHYS 4B: Physics (Electricity & Magnetism)
- PHYS 4C: Physics (Heat, Waves, Optics, & Modern Physics)
- AGAS 19: Principles of Animal Science
- AGEH 33: Environ. Horticulture
- AGNR 60: Environmental Science
- AGNR 61: Environmental Science Lab
- AGPS 20: Plant Science
- ANAT 1: Human Anatomy
- ANTH 1: Physical Anthropology
- BIOL 1: Principles of Biology
- BIOL 5: Human Biology
- BIOL 6: Human Biology
- BIOL 10: General Biology
- BIOL 10L: General Biology Lab
- BIOL 11: Diversity of Life
- BIOL 12: Field Biology
- BIOL 12L: Field Biology Lab
- BOT 1: General Botany
- BOT 15: Plants and People
- ESCI 6: Ancient Life
- MICR 1: Microbiology
- NHIS 5: Natural History of the Neotropics
- NHIS 5L: Natural History of the Neotropics Lab
- NHIS 15: Natural History of California
- PHY 1: Physiology
- ZOOL 1: General Zoology
- BUAD 14: Personal Finance
- MATH 2: Precalculus Mathematics
- MATH 2A: Precalculus College Algebra
- MATH 2AS: Precalc College Algebra w/Support
- MATH 2B: Precalculus Trigonometry
- MATH 3A: Calculus 3A
- MATH 3B: Calculus 3B
- MATH 4A: Calculus 4A
- MATH 4B: Differential Equations
- MATH 6: Linear Algebra
- MATH 8: Finite Mathematics
- MATH 9: Survey of Calculus
- MATH 11: Patterns of Mathematical Thought
- MATH 13: College Algebra for Liberal Arts
- MATH 14: Introduction to Statistics
- MATH 14S: Statistics with Support
- MATH 41A: Concepts of Elementary Math
- MATH 41B: Concepts of Elementary Math
- SOC 3: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Category C
Students shall select a minimum of nine (9) units among the arts, literature, philosophy, and foreign languages, with at least one course in the arts and one in the humanities.
- **ART 1: Introduction to Art
- **ART 2: History of Western
- **Art ART 3: Western Art, Renaissance to Cont.
- **ART 4: World Art
- ART 6: History of Modern Art
- CMST 30: Oral Interpretation
- ENGL 14: Drama as Lit
- HUM 2: Exploring the Humanities
- HUM 4: Humanities Through Film
- MUS 10: Music Appreciation
- MUS 11: History of Jazz and Early Rock
- **MUS 14: World Music
- MUS 15: History of Rock
- MUS 16: History of Jazz
- THTR 1: Introduction to Theatre
- THTR 5: 20th Century Multicul Theatre
- THTR 8: History of World Theatre I
- THTR 9: History of World Theatre II
- ASL 1: American Sign Language 1
- ASL 2: American Sign Language 2
- ASL 3: American Sign Language 3
- ASL 4: American Sign Language 4
- CHIN 1: Mandarin Chinese 1
- ENGL 1B: Literature & Composition
- **ENGL 10A: World Literature to 1650
- **ENGL 10B: World Literature after 1650
- ENGL 11A: Survey of American Lit.
- ENGL 11B: Survey of American Lit.
- ENGL 13A: Survey of English Lit.
- ENGL 13B: Survey of English Lit.
- ENGL 14: Drama as Lit
- ENGL 15: Lit. By/About Women
- ENGL 16: Poetry
- ENGL 17: Intro to Shakespeare
- *ENGL 18: African American Lit
- ENGL 19: Survey of Bible as Literature
- **ENGL 20: World Mythology
- ENGL 25: Linguistics
- ENGL 31: Creative Writing
- ENGL 36: Children’s Lit
- FREN 1: French 1
- FREN 2: French 2
- GERM 1: German 1
- GERM 2: German 2
- **HIST 2: World Civilization to 1500 C.E.
- **HIST 3: World Civilization: 1500 to Present
- HUM 2: Exploring the Humanities
- HUM 4: Humanities Through Film
- HUM 70: Exploring Contemporary TV
- JAPN 1: Japanese 1
- JAPN 2: Japanese 2
- JAPN 3: Japanese 3
- JAPN 4: Japanese 4
- JAPN 19: Japanese Conversation 1
- JAPN 20: Japanese Conversation 2
- PHIL 6: Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 7: Ethics: Understanding Right/Wrong
Category D
Students shall select a minimum of six (6) units in social, political and economic institutions and behavior, and their historical background.
- *ADJU 10: Intro to Admin of Justice
- ADJU 59: Restorative Justice
- AGAB 54: Agricultural Economics
- AGNR 11: Environmental Ethics
- AGPS 25: California Water
- **ANTH 2: Cultural Anthropology
- **ANTH 14: Religion, Myth, and Ritual
- *ANTH 25: Culture/Hist North Amer. Indian
- **ARCH 3: Principles of Archaeology
- CMST 10: Interpersonal Comm.
- *CMST 20: Intercultural Comm.
- CMST 50: Gender and Comm.
- *ECE 1: Human Development
- *ECE 9: Child Growth & Development
- ECON 1A: Principles of Econ. (Micro)
- ECON 1B: Principles of Econ. (Macro)
- **GEOG 1B: Human Geography
- GEOG 5: Digital Planet: GIS & Society
- *GEOG 7: California Geography
- **GEOG 8: World Regional Geography
- HIST 1A: History of Western Civ.
- HIST 1B: History of Western Civ.
- **HIST 2: World Civilization to 1500 C.E.
- **HIST 3: World Civilization 1500 to Pres
- HIST 17A: United States History
- HIST 17B: United States History
- HIST 17BH: United States History/Hnrs
- *HIST 25 (ETHS 25): African American History
- *HIST 35 (ETHS 35): Hist. of Mex. Americans
- **HIST 38: History of World Religion
- HIST 40: History & Govern. California
- **HLTH 6: Culture and Health
- HUSV 70 Intro to Soc Work/Human Srvcs
- JOUR 21: Intro to Mass Comm.
- POLS 1: Intro. to Political Science
- POLS 2: Intro. to Amer. Government
- **POLS 20: Politics/Developing World
- POLS 25: Intro to International Relations
- PSYC 1A: General Psychology
- PSYC 5: Human Sexuality
- PSYC 14: Personal/Social Adjustment
- PSYC 15: Social Psychology
- PSYC 17: Abnormal Psychology
- *PSYC 20: Cross-cultural Psychology
- *PSYC 41: Cult/Soc Context of Chldhd
- PSYC 46: Human Memory & Learning
- SOC 1: Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 1H: Introduction to Sociology/Hnrs
- SOC 2: Social Problems
- SOC 15: Sociology of Mass Media
- *SOC 25 (ETHS 3): Race, Ethnicity, & Society
- SOC 30: Sociology of Gender
American History and Government Requirements for Graduation from a CSU Campus
Completion of a course in American History and a course in American Government is a requirement to graduate from any of the 23 CSU universities. At Shasta College, HIST 17A, HIST 17B, or HIST 17BH and POLS 2 will satisfy the requirement.
Category E
Students shall select a minimum of three (3) units in lifelong understanding and development of themselves as integrated physiological, social and psychological entities.
- *ECE 1: Human Development
- ECE 2: Child, Family, Community
- *ECE 9: Child Growth & Development
- HLTH 1: Health and Wellness
- HLTH 2: Nutrition and Fitness
- HLTH 3: Substance Abuse Awareness
- HLTH 4: Women’s Health
- HLTH 7: Stress Management and Health
- HUSV 16: Marriage and Family
- HUSV 18: Adulthood and Aging
- HUSV 60: Life Management
- NUTR 25: Nutrition
- PSYC 1A: General Psychology
- PSYC 5: Human Sexuality
- PSYC 14: Personal/Social Adjustment
- STU 1: College Success
Category F
Students shall select a minimum of three (3) units in Ethnic Studies.
- ETHS 1: Intro to Ethnic Studies
- ETHS 5: Intro to Asian American Studies E
- THS 11: Intersectionality Race/Ethnicity/Health
Chico State requires two courses to satisfy the U.S. Diversity & Global Cultures requirement. Both courses may be part of the 39-unit General Education requirement.
- Courses with one asterisk (*) meet the U.S. Diversity requirement and are “concerned primarily with the aspirations and history of ethnic subcultures”. They are ADJU 10, ANTH 25, CMST 20, ECE 1, ECE 9, ECE 28, ENGL 18, ENGL 24, GEOG 7, HIST 25 (ETHS 25), HIST 35 (ETHS 35), PSYC 20, PSYC 41, SOC 25 (ETHS 3).
- Courses with two asterisks (**) meet the Global Cultures requirement and are “concerned primarily with cultures and societies outside Western Heritage”. They are ANTH 2, ANTH 14, ARCH 3, ART 1, ART 4, ENGL 10A, ENGL 10B, ENGL 20, GEOG 1B, GEOG 8, HIST 2, HIST 3, HIST 36, HIST 38, HLTH 6, MUS 14, POLS 20.