Become a Mentor & Travel to South Korea

Shasta College will be hosting students from Soonchunhyang University for two weeks during summer and are looking for Shasta College students to be mentors during their stay. This is a great opportunity for those that want to attend an upcoming semester abroad in South Korea or for those interested in making international connections. This is a paid mentorship with all room and board, travel and field trip costs covered. Those accepted into this mentorship will receive the following:

  • Free field trips, travel and adventure excursions
  • Free housing at Shasta College Residence Halls
  • Free Breakfast, lunch, and dinnerReceive a free introductory course on robotics (not for credit class)
  • Earn a certificate of completion

Minimum Requirements:

  • Current GPA of 2.0 or higher (above 3.0 is preferred)
  • Enrolled in at least 6 units at Shasta College during the Fall of 2023 or Spring 2024

If you are interested in participating in this program, please fill out the Global Exchange Paid Mentorship Application (Summer 2024) form.

Semester Abroad - Soonchunhyang University (South Korea)

Soonchunhyang University in the Winter.

Shasta College's Semester Abroad Program allows Shasta College students to study at Soonchunhyang University​ in South Korea. This program is a forward-looking international program that explores individual and cultural differences by providing an opportunity for students to interact both personally and academically in an open and unique environment.

For more information, please visit Soonchunyang University's Application Process website.

How to Apply

If you have questions, please contact the Global Education Center at (530) 242-7743, by visiting the Student Life office in 2318, or via email at

If you are looking for a study abroad experience in a location or subject matter other than what Shasta College offers, please visit External Study Abroad Opportunities​.

Apply Now

To indicate interest in future semesters, please reach out to Global Education office by emailing

Covid-19 Information

For campus-wide information regarding the coronavirus, please visit:​​

Shasta College is committed to student safety and actively monitors Covid-19 travel information provided to us by the U.S. State Department, Centers for Disease Controls, and academic partners. Currently, it is recommended that travelers to South Korea be fully vaccinated, and all travelers must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours of departure. Additionally, most travelers must quarantine for 14 days upon arriving in country. Please note that in the event that the Travel Advisory Level for South Korea is increased to Level 4 (Do not travel), students will be recalled back to Shasta College.

Study Abroad - At a Glance

  What to Expect
Internship Intern as a 'Cultu​​ral and Language Ambassador' through group meetings, language and cultural exchanges, and by living side by side with Korean students in specially designed dorms. Internship duties for group meetings will be up to 15 hours per week.
Duration One to three semesters
Tuition Full Waiver
Airfare Reimbursed up to ₩800,000 (approximately $710 USD)
Stipend Weekly living expense support of ₩120,000 KRW (approximately 110 USD) for 11 weeks
Room Full Waiver
Academic Courses A wide variety of courses are conducted in English each semester. These courses have been designed by experienced SCH faculty​, specifically for native English speaking international students. Please visit the Soonchunhyang University courses webpage for most updated course list.

For more information regarding our Semester Abroad Program please contact the Global Education Center at (530) 242-7743, by visiting the Student Life office in 2318, or via email at