Amanda Henderson
Educational Counselor (TRIO, NTGF)
Full Time
Contact Info
TRIO Programs
(530) 242-7693
Redding Main Campus | Room 2070C
M.Ed., Northern Arizona University
- Master of Education: Counseling - Human Relations
- Bachelor of Science: Marketing, Minor in Communications
Related Past Work Experience
I have worked with TRIO since Fall 2015 and at Shasta College since July 2014. Prior to working at Shasta College I was an Advisor at Arizona State University for ten years.
Hobbies and Interests
Spending time with my family, watching HGTV and working around the house.
Favorite Quote
"If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself, and then make a change" ~Man in the Mirror, Michael Jackson
Advice to Students
When life or school becomes stressful take a minute to look at what you can do about it in that moment. Try to not get overwhelmed with everything ahead of you but rather focus on what you can do that day or in that moment to complete a task or better prepare yourself for the future.