One of the best ways to help in our efforts to keep everyone safe is to self-monitor and stay home if you’re feeling sick or experiencing any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19, even if you’ve been vaccinated. Accommodations will be made to reduce your risk of exposure to others and still get tested on campus.

Some common symptoms of COVID-19 may include: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.

COVID-19 Testing

  • For Students & Employees: Self-administered at home test is available on site at the main campus, downtown Health Sciences campus and Tehama campus. 

COVID-19 Vaccines

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) affirm that all COVID-19 vaccines currently available in California are safe and effective at preventing severe illness from COVID-19. Californians ages 12+ are now eligible for vaccination. To get vaccinated, call (833) 422-4255 or visit  

Want to learn more?  Additional information is available at:

Isolation & Quarantine Procedures & Protocols for COVID-19 exposures and positive cases

Reporting COVID-19 Cases and Concerns

Notify Campus Safety - Anyone who is sick with COVID-19 symptoms or has been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19, is asked to contact their supervisor or Campus Safety by emailing or calling (530) 242-7910.

If you are having a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1 directly.

Campus Safety Plans

Procedures, protocols, and guidelines to promote the health and safety of the members of the campus community as well as a response plan in the event of a suspected COVID-19 case on any Shasta College campus.


We're making every effort to provide the tools and resources needed by our students as they pursue their studies. We're available to work through any questions you may have. Please refer to the following for assistance.

Federal COVID Student Emergency Grant Funds

The Federal Government has provided funding for students through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF). These have come in different sets of legislations: CARES (HEERF I), CRRSAA (HEERF II), and APR (HEERF III).

Got questions? We're here to help.

You may contact the campus via phone by calling (530) 242-7910.