English/ESL & Math Placement and AB 705
Right to Access Transfer-Level Courses
All students are eligible and recommended to enroll in transfer-level English and math courses. Students who enroll in transfer-level English and math within their first year of college are more likely to be successful in those courses and more likely to earn a certificate or degree.
We know that Shasta College students can succeed in transfer-level math and English and we’re prepared to support them on this journey.
What English and math class should I take?
Students seeking guidance on the most appropriate transfer-level English and math classes should consider the following recommendations. If students would like additional support, please make an appointment with a Counselor.
You are eligible to take:
High School Grade Point Average (GPA) | Shasta College Course Recommendations |
HS GPA: 2.60 and above | English 1A |
HS GPA: 1.90 and below 2.60 | English 1A with English 1AX College Composition Lab (Learning Support) |
HS GPA: Below 1.90 | English 1A with English 1AX College Composition Lab (Learning Support) is strongly recommended. |
Students who need to be placed into an English as a Second Language (ESL) course should contact Jim Kortuem at (530) 242-7760.
“Estudiantes que necesitan ser asignados a un curso de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) deben comunicarse con Jim Kortuem, y pueden comunicarse con él llamando al (530) 242-7760.”
Statistics/Liberal Arts courses are for students pursuing a program of study that does not require Calculus. Most students seeking a certificate, AAT, AST, AA, AS, or earning a transfer certificate that does not require calculus can choose from these options. It is highly recommended that you consult with the catalog and a counselor to ensure you enroll in a course that meets the requirements for your program.
High School Grade Point Average (GPA) | Shasta College Course Recommendations |
HS GPA: 3.0 and above | Math 14, BUAD 14, or Math 8 |
HS GPA: 2.30 – 2.99 | Additional academic and concurrent support is recommended such as “Math 14S”. |
HS GPA: Below 2.30 | Additional academic and concurrent support is strongly recommended such as “Math 14S”. |
The successful completion of Algebra 2 or Integrated Math 3 is highly recommended as preparation for a STEM-oriented, transfer-level math class. Students who wish to complete Calculus to earn a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math are eligible to take:
High School Grade Point Average (GPA) | Shasta College Course Recommendations |
HS GPA 3.40 or above | Math 2 or Math 2A |
HS GPA 2.60 or above AND enrolled in HS Calculus | Math 2 or Math 2A |
HS GPA 2.60 or above OR enrolled in a HS Pre-Calculus | Math 2 or Math 2A with support |
HS GPA Below 2.60 and no Pre-Calculus or did not pass Algebra 2 or Integrated Math 3 with a “C” or better. | Math 2 or Math 2A with support is strongly recommended. |
English and Math Support Services
We know that Shasta College students can succeed in transfer-level math and English and we’re prepared to support you on your journey. We also know that students who use learning support services are much more likely to succeed in transfer-level math and English.
The online schedule through MyShasta will help students find courses with embedded learning support. Search for your desired course and then use the left navigation filter to identify courses with learning support.
For students who are not taking a class with embedded support services, research shows that peer tutors can support student course success. Please visit the Tutoring and Learning Center for online and face to face support. Additional support services include Net Tutor, the Writing Center and the Computer Lab.
AB 705
Explains the benefits and rights of students under AB 705

For more information, please visit: assessment.cccco.edu