Pre-registration workshops are designed to help first time college students learn about the different options available to them. Students will gain an understanding of the various educational pathways and resources to register for classes. Counselors will be available to answer questions and give course clearance. Educational plans will require an appointment. 

Register Now

To sign up for a workshop, please call the Counseling Center at (530) 242-7724 or email You can also register by filling out our online registration form.

Upcoming Dates | Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Registration Hour Workshops 

New or current students who are looking for assistance in the registration process


These workshops are designed to help first-time college students with:

  • Forms needed to enroll
  • Steps to complete enrollment
  • Introduction to student planning
  • Gain an understanding of the various educational pathways.
  • Discover Shasta College resources.
  • Learn how to register for classes

Call the Counseling Center at (530) 242-7724 or email