Scheduling Appointments
Get connected with a counselor! Our counselors are here to help. You can schedule an appointment online or by calling (530) 242-7724.
Please note that if you are feeling ill on the day of your appointment, please consider opting for a phone or Zoom appointment.
Find a counselor by area of interest or student support services. For more information on interest areas, please visit Explore by Interest.
If you're part of a specialized program such as Athletics, ACE, CalWORKs, CARE, EOPS, SCI*FI, MESA, TRIO, UMOJA, PACE, Veterans, or STEP-UP, please contact your program's office directly to schedule an appointment.
Zoom Drop-in
Have a quick question (5 mins)? Counseling is offering Zoom drop-in for quick, academic guidance! We're live on T, W, & TH at 10 am - 1pm.