Read more about federal grants.

2 Years Free (Shasta Promise)

For many students attending Shasta College this Fall their tuition will be free for two years as long as they are full-time students. A new program, called the Shasta College Promise Program, is providing students who previously may have avoided going to school due to financial considerations, another chance at obtaining a college education.

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Cal Grant

Cal Grant awards are State administered and awarded by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to help pay for college expenses. There are three types of Cal Grant Awards; Cal Grant A, Cal Grant B and Cal Grant C. 

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California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

Formerly BOG Fee Waiver

The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) will waive the $46/per unit enrollment fee for California and AB540 coded residents who meet the financial income eligibility criteria based off of the FAFSA (Federal), California Dream Act, or the California College Promise Grant Application (State). If you are awarded the CCPG you will be responsible to pay the campus center, health fee, material fees and a parking permit.

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California Chafee Grant

The California Chafee Grant is free money for current or former California foster youth to help pay for college or career and technical training. Chafee Grants don't have to be paid back. A Chafee Grant is a federal and state funded grant.

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Pell Grant

The Pell Grant program is the largest federal grant program for undergraduate college students. Awards are based on the Student Aid Index (SAI) and enrollment intensity at the time of census each semester.

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Student Success Completion Grant

In 2017, Senate Bill 85 initiated a new grant program for community college students. Formerly known as the Full Time Student Success Grant and the California Community College Completion Grant, the Student Success Completion Grant supports the persistence, retention and success of students attending community college.

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Supplemental Educational Opportunities Grant

The Federal SEOG program is for students who qualify for the maximum Pell Grant. Funding is limited for this grant and awarding is done on a first-come, first-served basis. The Federal SEOG is $1,000 per academic year and you must be enrolled full-time (12+ units) to receive this grant disbursement.

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