#CaliforniansForAll College Corps

In partnership with #CaliforniansForAll College Corps, College Corps at Shasta College will provide up to 60 college students with service opportunities in areas of community need such as K-12 schools, food banks/pantries or climate action organizations.   

The College Corps program has three core goals:

  • Goal 1: Engage Shasta College students in meaningful service opportunities that build career pathways, leadership skills and civic responsibility.
  • Goal 2: Help students from diverse backgrounds graduate college on time and with less debt.
  • Goal 3: Support the work of community-based organizations focused on key local priorities.

We are proud to include AB 540 CA Dream Act Students.

Students who complete 450 hours of service with College Corps at Shasta College will receive the following benefits:

  • $10,000 which includes a $7,000 stipend (living allowance), plus a $3,000 Education Award;
  • Real-world job experience and skills to add to their resume;
  • Access to training, networking, and professional development opportunities;

How to Apply

General Eligibility

To apply, students should meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:

  • Planning to enroll full time for both Fall and Spring semester
  • Has a high school diploma or its equivalent by start of program
  • Must currently be and remain in good academic standing
  • Ability to commit to the program for the full academic year
  • Must be a US Citizen, US National, legal permanent resident or AB 540 CA Dream Act Student (see below)

Financial Need

Eligible students should meet at least one of the following four criteria:

Undocumented Students:

  • Is an AB-540 CA Dream Act Student
  • Is a Cal Grant A or B recipient 


Contact Us

Chelsea Kefalas

Administration Contact Info
Location Downtown Redding Community Leadership Center | 8116 E

Nina Mitchell

Staff Contact Info
Location Downtown Redding Community Leadership Center | 8116B

Laraine Heck

Administration Contact Info
Location Downtown Redding Community Leadership Center (CLC) | 3rd Floor