Apply for Your Degree

To apply for your degree, please visit the Degree/Certificate Evaluation Process page to learn more about the process and ensure you meet all of the requirements.

Graduate Instructions for Commencement

Please note: All communication about Commencement will be sent to your Shasta College student email address.

Important Dates to Prepare for Commencement

Tuesday, April 1 Graduation Faire - This will be an event for graduates in the spring, a one-stop-shop that allows you to speak with vendors and purchase merchandise for the big event.
Tuesday, April 1 Deadline to submit Degree/Certification Evaluation Process
Tuesday, April 1 Notification deadline to Graduation Planning Team to keep your name from being printed in the graduation program; and/or being given to Grad Images.
Thursday, April 24 Deadline for students to order their regalia (cap and gown) for the Commencement Ceremony. Orders can be submitted HERE. Instructions can be found in the FAQ section.
Friday, May 16 Commencement Ceremony will begin promptly at 7pm on Friday, May 16th in the Memorial Stadium.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and upcoming ceremony details can be found here! If you have further questions, please reach out to the Student Life Department, 530-242-7743.

The following information will be updated closer to the 2025 Commencement Ceremony.

To view the campus map for commencement, please see Commencement Map (PDF).

GRADUATE CHECK-IN (5:00 pm start, will close at 6:00 pm sharp): 

After you park in the Sycamore lot (East lot) please walk towards the 1000 building (CIS building) on campus. There will be a welcome tent to help guide you. Please arrive dressed in your regalia.

Staff at the welcome tent will direct you to pop-up tents alphabetically ordered by last name in under the new 1400/1600 shade structure. Get in line at the pop-up tent that corresponds with the first letter of your last name. You will receive your reader card (the card you will hand to the announcers on stage) and a ticket for a gift you will pick up at the reception.

Once you have checked in you’ll proceed to the Cafeteria. We will have a photographer from the Marketing Department taking photos of your special day (so remember to smile at them!). Once in the Cafeteria, you will then be directed to line up to proceed to the Football Field (Memorial Stadium) when it’s time. Do not lose your reader card – this is how your name will be called during the ceremony!

ARRIVAL & PARKING (5:00 pm):

Please arrive between 5:00 and 5:30 pm on May 16, 2025. Graduates will enter campus at the MAIN/SOUTH ENTRANCE and use the RIGHT lane to enter campus, and proceed to the East/Sycamore parking lot, the one with the solar arrays over the parking spaces (see PDF map at the beginning of the FAQ section).

Please Note: If you are being dropped off by a guest, they will do the following: (1) Enter through the graduate entrance lane (right side of the main entrance). (2) Drop you off at the East lot, turn around and proceed back toward the main entrance, and park in the North/Pine Parking lot.

Graduate Check-In will start at the 1000 (CIS) building, then proceed to 1400/1600 shade structure. Additional details will be sent via email to Shasta College student email addresses. 


Guests can enter at either the MAIN/South ENTRANCE or North entrance and make their way to the North Parking Lot (see PDF map here). There will be specially designated spaces for handicapped parking. Note that guest seating at the stadium is first-come, first-served. Accommodation seating is sectioned off and will be reserved for those who need accessible seating, but also is first-come, first-served. If your guest has pre-arranged accommodations, please have the guest check in at the tent located in the North Parking Lot if needed

PROCESSIONAL (entering the field) & RECESSIONAL (leaving the field):

Event staff will announce when all graduates should line up in the Quad to get ready to proceed to the stadium. As you enter the field, volunteers will guide you to your seat. Please remain standing for the National Anthem.

Graduates will be given a signal on when to stand up to walk on stage by row, entering the stage from the side they are seated on – Volunteers will be in Regalia on the field and direct you, please watch for their cues. You must have your Reader Card (the card with your name and degree on it) to present to the faculty at the microphone when you go onto the stage. The faculty will announce your name from the card just before you cross the stage to receive your diploma cover. You will shake hands with the college president, Dr. Frank Nigro, turn towards our photographer (remember to smile) and exit the stage from the front.

Please remain seated for the duration of the ceremony to show respect to your fellow graduates, reduce any disruption during the ceremony, and to increase safety for everyone on the field.

For the Recessional, you will be instructed to rise and exit the field in the same manner as you entered. Immediately after exiting the field, you can make your way to the Reception in the Quad (to get your gift).

More information and a link to the application can be found here: If you indicate that you wish to participate in the graduation ceremony additional information will be e-mailed to your Shasta College student email address. 

In the event of unsafe weather conditions, Student Services will make the call by 9:00 am on the day of graduation day to move the event inside Gymnasium. Rain does not guarantee that the event will be moved inside. Students will be informed via email, and a notice will be posted on the Shasta College website. The Gymnasium would not have enough space for guests. Please watch the weather and prepare accordingly. 

You may invite as many guests as you wish HOWEVER, we encourage students to limit guests to six (6) per graduate. This is a courtesy request so that all graduates have space for their guests; seating will be in the bleachers of the stadium. Please note, the event will be livestreamed, so guests who are not able to attend in person will still be able to join virtually or watch after the fact.

If you or your guest require any special accommodations for the ceremony, a fillable form will be found here within the coming month. This form will include any parking, transportation, or interpreting services you may need. Until then, please fill free to email us at  for any questions.

Yes! You must have a cap and gown to participate—no exceptions. Your tassel should be on the right side of your mortarboard (cap) before marching across the stage. After crossing the stage, you will move your tassel to the left side.

To purchase your cap and gown, visit and follow these steps:

  1. Click Find My School (located on the first page of the website).
  2. Type in "Shasta College" and select "Shasta College Redding, CA, USA" (not Shasta Bible College).
  3. Navigate to Graduation Products and select Graduation Caps & Gowns.
  4. Choose "Student Homeship 2025", then select Associates Cap, Gown, Tassel w/ Yeardate Charm.
    1. If you are earning an associate degree or certificate, select the Associates Cap & Gown.
    2. Only choose the Bachelors Cap, Gown, Tassel w/ Yeardate Charm if you are in the Health Information Management (HIM) Program.
  5. Customize by entering your height and weight, then add to your cart.
  6. You may also browse additional accessories or packages before completing your purchase with your payment, shipping, and billing details.

Important: If ordering from Jostens, you must place your order by April 24, 2025, to ensure timely delivery.

A limited number of cap, gown, and tassel sets are also available for purchase at the Shasta College Bookstore while supplies last.


Underneath your graduation gown, you may wear any appropriate clothing. We recommend comfortable shoes that you can walk through campus, on the field, up and down stage ramps, etc.

Yes. If you have questions on what designs are allowed (or not allowed) please reach out to

Students who qualify for honors at the time of graduation will be e-mailed directly. This email will include information on how to purchase the honor cord. Honors are based on a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better in Shasta College coursework at the end of the Fall semester preceding graduation.

Our staff photographer will be taking candid photos throughout your graduation event, both in the quad and in the stadium. Those photos may be found later on our social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr (we encourage you to like, share, and follow us).

In addition we’ve also contracted with an outside company, GradImages, who will take your “official” graduation photo as you receive your diploma from the President. Click here for more information from GradImages and to register ahead of time.

Yes, each graduate will receive a program. If you do not wish to have your name printed in the graduation program, please contact by April 1, 2025.

All graduates and their guests are invited to attend a reception in honor of the graduates to be held in the campus quad immediately following the commencement ceremony.

The reception will have light refreshments and a live band. You can pick up your graduation gift at the main reception table in the Quad. Please have your ticket (that you received at check-in) ready to trade for your gift!

You will not actually receive your diploma at the Commencement ceremony. You will receive a diploma cover. Diplomas are generally mailed approximately 2 to 3 months after the term has ended. We begin the process of evaluating and awarding degrees 2 to 4 weeks after the submission of semester grades. You will receive an email with a notification of your status once the evaluation of your degree application is completed. Official confirmation of your degree will be posted on your transcripts and will be available as soon as your degree is awarded.

We appreciate your patience and work to have diplomas ready as quickly as possible. Diplomas will be mailed to the mailing address listed on the graduate’s degree application. Please ensure that the address submitted on the degree application is valid at the time of mailing. Failure to provide the correct address will result in a delay or non-receipt of the diploma. Diplomas are mailed standard USPS.

Listed below are the diploma mailing schedules for each graduation term.

  • Spring graduates, diplomas will be mailed by August 1 of the same year.
  • Summer graduates, diplomas will be mailed by October 1 of the same year.
  • Fall graduates, diplomas will be mailed by March 1 of the next year.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa members can check out stoles, cords, and tassels from the chapter on the day of Commencement -- Friday, May 16, 2025.

  • The check-out location will be a white SOS tent located near the North Parking lot and the 2300 Building (see Commencement map).
  • Our president, Emma Verhey, will be available from 5-7pm for check-out and immediately following the ceremony to exchange items back. An item of value will need to be left with Emma while the items are checked out during the Commencement ceremony, i.e. driver license, car keys, etc.

Please refer any questions to the PTK Advisor, Katie Leach, at

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services

EOPS students, check the EOPS Canvas course to order your cap and gown! Here is the link to our EOPS Course Page. Please be sure to stop by our table at Grad Fair on March 5th, from 11am to 2pm.
If you have any questions, please email us at

Contact Us

For questions regarding the graduation ceremony, please email