For in-person assistance, visit us in building 6500 on Main Campus.
Campus Safety provides safe-walk escort services around campus upon request. Contact Campus Safety at (530) 242-7910 (Option 3) or use a Blue Emergency Phone located in campus buildings to request an escort.
Shasta College requires permits in all parking lots. If you have a parking issue or questions about a citation, please call (530) 242-7910 (Option 5). Do not use Blue Emergency phones for parking issues.
Campus Safety houses the Lost & Found. Items are kept in a secure location, and photo ID is required for pick up. Unclaimed items are donated to nonprofit or student organizations two (2) weeks after the end of each semester.
Shasta CARES provides primary prevention programming and events to educate the campus on realities of sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
Sexual & Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC) Program gives you the knowledge and power to make your campus safer. Covering issues such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, and stalking.
Campus Safety is continuously hiring cadets. Please call Campus Safety for more information (530) 242-7948.