Annual Notices
Campus Safety notifies the campus community with updates in accordance with state and federal regulations. Thank you for taking the time to review this vital information and helping to make Shasta College a safer and more successful community.
Please save the dates and times below for emergency preparedness drills:
Fire Evacuation Procedures: Thursday, November 3, 2025
Time: 11:05 am
This is to test equipment and evacuation procedures.
Building Evacuations are generally indicated by the fire alarm within the effected building. Campus Evacuations are issued by an all-campus fire alarm, intercom system (VOIP), phone text, email or courier/runner. Campus Evacuations are issued by an all-campus fire alarm, intercom system (VOIP), phone text, email or courier/runner. Campus Evacuations are issued by an all-campus fire alarm, intercom system (VOIP), phone text, email or courier/runner. Campus Evacuations are issued by an all-campus fire alarm, intercom system (VOIP), phone text, email or courier/runner.
Listed below are evacuation procedures:
- When notified to evacuate, a fire alarm will sound. Inform the occupants/students to take their belongings and to evacuate to a safe location. Evacuation points and routes are found in the Emergency Action Guides posted in every classroom and office.
- Maintain control over your group and ensure that all are evacuating in an orderly manner, and are avoiding the use of elevators. Maintain control over your group and ensure that all are evacuating in an orderly manner, and are avoiding the use of elevators.
- Provide aid to persons with disabilities or those with special needs.
- If evacuation is due to a fire in your building, close but do not lock doors and windows.
- If evacuation is campus wide, still do not lock doors and windows.
- Report to your Building Evacuation Coordinator for instructions and information. Coordinators wear orange vests.
- DO NOT RE-ENTER the building(s) until cleared by the Building Evacuation Coordinator or district administrator.
- Building Coordinators and Assistants retrieve your green cert bag and radio’s, Make sure your buildings are all clear.
- Respond to the nearest evacuation point. Stand by at that location for a radio call from the Incident Command Center.
- Make sure your radio is on Evacuation channel 3.
- We will announce that the Incident Command Center has been established and we will begin roll call. We will begin with the 100 building and cycle through every building on campus. It will sound like this; Command Center to Building 100, are you clear and safe. Your Response: All clear. The Command Center will acknowledge by saying “copy 100 all clear”. Remain in your evacuation zones until given the response from the Command Center to return to normal operations. If you are not evacuated and clear indicate by saying “still evacuating”, We will then move forward and return to your building. We should not be utilizing the radio other than to speak with the Incident Command Center.
- Extended Education sites shall report in by phone to Campus Safety once your drill is complete (530) 242-7910. Follow the same principles outlined above, but with modification due to the site itself.
Lockdown-ALICE Protocol: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Time: 11:05 am
The Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) system will be activated to start and end the drill.
Once the announcement is made, please take the following measures if you are inside a room or classroom:
- Follow ALICE Protocol.
- Communicate if everyone is OK or if students are missing/injured on exterior door or window IF it is safe to do so.
- Facilities and Campus Safety will be conducting visual observations for each building during the drill and documenting those findings.
Lockdown Procedures: ALICE (non-sequential)
- Alert is first becoming aware of a threat. The sooner you understand you are in danger, the sooner you can safe yourself. A speedy response time is critical.
- Lockdown is instructions on practical techniques to barricade a room, what to do with mobile and electronic devices, how and when to communicate with law enforcement, and how to use your time in lockdown to prepare to use other strategies.
- Inform is to communicate information in as real time as possible, if it is safe to do so. Armed intruder situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly, which means that on going, real time information is key to making effective survival.
- Counter is to create noise, movement, distance, and distraction with the intent of reducing the shooter's ability to shoot accurately.
- Evacuate to a safe area. This takes people out of harm's way and hopefully prevents civilians from having to come into any contact with the shooter.
The Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) details how the District will manage and coordinate resources and personnel responding to emergency situations. The plan is designed to address possible disasters and emergencies that may threaten our campus community. The EOP is updated annually and is written to conform to California State and Federal Laws governing emergency response operations. We encourage you to view the EOP on our webpage.
The AED unit will check a victim’s heart rhythm and will deliver an electric shock only if it determines that defibrillation is required to restore the heart’s normal rhythm. Shasta College’s AED program is intended to ensure that AEDs are highly visible and readily accessible. We will continue to depend on EMS response (9-1-1) for medical emergencies.
To review our AED procedure manual please visit: AED Procedure.
ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate)
In order to create a more effective learning opportunity, we provide an interactive and hands-on portion of ALICE trainings. As a reminder, please continue to schedule these trainings in your office space or classroom throughout the semester. To set up an A.L.I.C.E. presentation or an invitation for the online ALICE portal, please contact Andrea Brown at or 530-242-7913.
Don’t Cancel Class
The Campus Safety and Shasta CARES team can provide presentations for faculty if they are not able to hold class. The team can present on various topics listed here: Don't Cancel Class
To schedule a presentation, please contact (530) 242-7917.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillators (AED Classes)
In order to better prepare staff in an emergency situation, Campus Safety will be providing CPR Certification classes which will include learning how to use the Automated External Defibrillators, AED's.
Campus Safety will schedule 2-3 classes per semester. More information will be sent when classes are scheduled and open for staff to attend. NOTE: Classes will be limited to 10 participants and there will be a registration process.
The Sexual & Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC) Program is an online program designed to help you deal with the issues of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, and stalking. SPARC covers crucial topics like consent, healthy and unhealthy relationships, what to do in the event violence occurs, and more.
You will also learn how to identify potentially dangerous situations as well as how to intervene to put a stop to them.
SPARC gives you the knowledge and power to make your campus safer - for you, and for the people you care about.