Welding Technology Certificate
Certificate | SC Program: CT.3430
The Welding Technology Program is designed to prepare students for positions in a variety of trades or service industries requiring technically trained and/or certified welders. The program is designed to prepare students for the opportunity to become certified welders under the standards set by the American Welding Society. Students can receive their certification by the American Welding Society in a variety of processes as part of the instructional program.
This certificate is approved through the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. Upon satisfactory completion of the listed requirements and filing an application for graduation with Admissions and Records, the student’s transcript will reflect completion of this certificate.

Choose your path
Map your education by viewing the program map for the degree or certificate you’re interested in earning below. Meet with a counselor to create your official comprehensive education plan.
A program map shows all the required and recommended courses you need to graduate and a suggested order in which you should take them. The suggested sequence of courses is based on enrollment and includes all major and general education courses required for the degree.
Fall Semester, First Year
12 Units TotalThis is an introductory course designed for the student interested in acquiring basic welding skills to be used in a trade or service occupation. Emphasis is placed on current welding, cutting, and forming processes. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
This is a course to advance beginning arc welding skills with an emphasis on SMAW. Power sources, electrode identification, weldability of metals, joint design, air arc, oxyacetylene cutting, and introduction to GTAW and GMAW are covered in this course. Course activities include learning to weld stringer and weave beads, butt and fillet welds in flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) stresses certification and code welding on plate and structural steel in all positions. Course instruction and related information will include gas metal and flux core arc welding equipment and welding variables. The course will also cover shielding gases, equipment malfunctions, qualifications, and weld procedures. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) or TIG (tungsten inert gas) is an inert gas welding process also known as Heliarc which covers aluminum, mild steel, stainless steel, magnesium, and copper welding. The course consists of welding on flat and pipe stock in all positions. Course content will include metals identification and weld symbols. Welding exercises are stressed to develop welding skills. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
Spring Semester, First Year
12 Units TotalThis is a course covering metal fabrication techniques, layout, welding, and the use of metal fabrication equipment. The class simulates on-the-job welding situations. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
Note: Students must provide safety glasses, welding gloves, and those materials which are of continuing value outside of the classroom setting. This cost will be explained at the first class meeting.
This is a course to advance arc welding skills with emphasis on vertical and overhead welding. Course activities prepare the student for weld certification and advanced arc welding classes using the SMAW process. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
This is a fundamental course in pipe welding with emphasis on open groove pipe joints using oxyacetylene, arc and inert gas welding process in all positions. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
This is an advanced course designed to prepare students to pass structural steel certification in vertical and overhead positions. SMAW (stick) and FCAW (MIG) processes will be used. The goal of this class is to pass the AWS D1.1 welding certificate test. Strict adherence to the testing procedures will be followed. Completion of the class does not guarantee AWS certification unless welding procedure qualification tests are passed. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
An advanced welding laboratory class with emphasis on vertical and overhead welding. This class is designed for the student interested in improving his/her beginning skills in order to prepare for entry into the job force as a TIG welder. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
Fall Semester, Second Year
5.5 Units TotalThis is an advanced pipe welding class with emphasis on ASME and AWS Qualification. Course instruction includes welding codes, pipe classification, and identification. Completion of the class does not guarantee qualification unless welding procedure qualification tests are passed. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
This is an advanced welding laboratory class with emphasis on vertical and overhead welding. This class is designed for the student interested in improving his/her beginning skills in order to prepare for entry into the job force as a FCAW/GMAW welder. A portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
Please see a counselor to discuss options for meeting general education requirements for transfer to California State Universities (CSU) and/or University of California (UC) campuses, as well as any specific additional courses that may be required by your chosen institution of transfer.
*Alternative Courses: Please see a Shasta College counselor for alternative course options. You can also view the following to find other courses to meet degree/certificate requirements:
- California State Universities – General Education
- IGETC – Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum
Need a print out? Feel free to download and/or print out a copy of the sample program map(s).
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