General Studies: EMS - Emergency Medical Response AS Degree
General Studies – 20.5 Unit Emphasis | SC Program: AS.1508
This degree is directed at students who will be working as Emergency Medical Technicians. Additionally, this degree could be used as a general preparation program for those students who will be attending a Paramedic certification program.

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Map your education by viewing the program map for the degree or certificate you’re interested in earning below. Meet with a counselor to create your official comprehensive education plan.
A program map shows all the required and recommended courses you need to graduate and a suggested order in which you should take them. The suggested sequence of courses is based on enrollment and includes all major and general education courses required for the degree.
Fall Semester, First Year
16.5 Units TotalThis course develops the reading, critical thinking, and writing skills necessary for academic success, emphasizing expository and argumentative writing as well as research and documentation skills. As a transferable course, it presupposes that students already have a substantial grasp of grammar, syntax, and organization, and that their writing is reasonably free from errors. A research paper is required for successful completion of the course. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This course provides an introduction to psychology, the study of the mind and behavior, as a science and as an applied field. The course provides an integration of physiological, cognitive, social-behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, cultural, and evolutionary perspectives. Topics include research methods, the nervous system, perception, learning, thinking, memory, human development, social behavior, emotions, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior, and psychotherapy. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This course will cover CPR and how to treat for foreign body obstruction in adults, children, and infants. It is designed for the professional rescuer. Upon successful completion of this course, students may apply to be certified in CPR by the agency having jurisdiction. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This course teaches the Emergency Medical Responder to initiate immediate lifesaving care to critical patients who access the emergency medical system. The student will also receive Automatic External Defibrillator training. This course meets National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards covered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration curriculum and approved by the local EMS agency. Note: Students must make application through Sierra-Sacramento Valley E.M.S.A. for certification. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
Spring Semester, First Year
14.5 Units TotalThis course is a survey of the history of the United States from Pre-Columbian Peoples to the end of Reconstruction. Topics include contact and settlement of America, the movement toward independence, the formation of a new nation and Constitution, westward expansion and manifest destiny, the causes and consequences of the Civil War, and Reconstruction. This course satisfies the CSU requirement for US History (US-1). This course may be offered in a distance education format.
1. Twenty-four hours of clinical experience at a hospital emergency room or on an ambulance or an authorized rescue squad will be required. Most providers in the area have requirements for ambulance/hospital clinical participation time, which include proof of a current TB skin test; Hepatitis B vaccination, or declination; proof of vaccination, past history of or titer for MMR; proof of Tetanus vaccination less than ten years old; and either a past history of or a titer for Varicella (Chicken Pox). Check with the instructor for details.
2. State certification as an EMT requires that the student is at least 18 years old, has a current CPR card for the Professional Rescuer or any card equivalent to the 2015 American Heart Association's Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care at the Healthcare Provider Level or Basic Life Support (BLS) level, passes a recognized EMT course, has not been convicted of specific crimes, and completes the statewide written and skills examination. (As of 1/1/2006 the state has adopted the National Registry EMT exam as its statewide exam. Upon successful completion of the statewide exam, the student must submit an application to the Local EMS Agency (Sierra-Sacramento Valley EMS Agency) for certification, which is valid statewide.
3. This class meets for additional time "outside" of the scheduled weekly meeting time. This may include Saturdays, Sundays or night shifts.
4. State regulations require that EMT students possess CPR training equivalent to the 2015 American Heart Association's Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care at the Healthcare Provider level or Basic Life Support (BLS) level as a prerequisite for admission to an EMT-1 basic course.
5. Students are required to purchase nitrile gloves and a Shasta College EMT Program student photo ID card.
6. Students wishing to participate in clinical observations at certain healthcare facilities must submit proof of a drug screening and a background check through a Shasta College approved vendor prior to going into clinical facilities. Shasta College personnel must review and approve test results prior to students participating in clinical observations.
This is an intensive course to assist the student with developing skills to recognize symptoms of illness and injuries, and proper procedures in emergency care. Upon successful completion of the course and the statewide written and skills examination, the student must make an application through Sierra-Sacramento Valley EMS Agency for certification. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
Fall Semester, Second Year
15 Units TotalNote: May be taken concurrently with PHY 1.
This course offers a systematic hands-on approach to the anatomy of the human body. It covers the structural organization of the human body: gross and microscopic anatomy of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems, from cellular to organ system levels of organization. Human cadaver prosections and/or mammalian dissections are used in conjunction with models and new technology. This course is intended for nursing, kinesiology, physical therapy, radiologic technology, respiratory therapy, dental hygiene, surgical technology, physical therapy, and other allied health related majors. It may be taken concurrently with Physiology 1. The lecture portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
This course is a comparative survey of the major ancient world civilizations which developed between 3500 B.C.E. and 1500 C.E. It examines political institutions, religious ideologies, the rise and fall of empires, and the major cultural innovations of each of the major world civilizations. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This course is an introduction to United States and California government and politics, including their constitutions, political institutions and processes, and political actors. An examination of political behavior, political issues, and public policy, this course satisfies the CSU requirement in U.S. Constitution and California State and local government (US-2 and US-3). This course may be offered in a distance education format.
Spring Semester, Second Year
14 Units TotalPhysiology is the study of the physiological principles, function, integration and homeostasis of the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ, organ system and organism level. Topics covered include the integumentary system; bone, skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles; the nervous system; sensory organs; the cardiovascular system; the lymphatic and immune systems; the respiratory system; the urinary system; the digestive system; the endocrine system; and reproductive system. This course is primarily intended for Nursing, Allied Health, Kinesiology, Dental Hygiene and other health-related majors. The lecture portion of this course may be offered in a distance education format.
This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of race and ethnicity in the United States. It examines social justice movements in relation to ethnic and racial groups in the United States to provide a basis for a better understanding of the socioeconomic, cultural, and political conditions among key social groups including, but not limited to, Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latina/o Americans. This course examines the systemic nature of racial/ethnic oppression through an examination of key concepts including racialization and ethnocentrism, with a specific focus on the persistence of white supremacy. Using an anti-racist framework, the course will examine historical and contemporary social movements dedicated to the decolonization of social institutions, resistance, and social justice. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
Please see a counselor to discuss options for meeting general education requirements for transfer to California State Universities (CSU) and/or University of California (UC) campuses, as well as any specific additional courses that may be required by your chosen institution of transfer.
*Alternative Courses: Please see a Shasta College counselor for alternative course options. You can also view the following to find other courses to meet degree/certificate requirements:
- California State Universities – General Education
- IGETC – Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum
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