Growing Teachers Program
Shasta College Early Childhood Education has been preparing quality educators for over 40 years.
Start Your Career in Teaching Today
Growing Teachers is a full-time, one-semester, entry-level program for early childhood educators. Successful completion meets all the requirements for the Associate Teacher Child Development Permit, including ECE courses and work experience. Students learn together in a supportive environment, with one-on-one faculty advising, lab school and mentor sites, and book lending library.
We smooth your pathway to teaching young children!
- Meet with the ECE Counselor, Donna Pratt, 242-7952,
- Watch the below 1-minute videos about the Growing Teachers program
- Apply to Shasta College
- Explore opportunities for free tuition and financial aid
- Complete an interest form
Required Courses for the Associate Teacher Child Development Permit
- Child Growth and Development
- Child, Family and Community
- Principles and Practices in ECE
- Introduction to Curriculum
- Total: 12 units
In addition, students earn credits preparing for and gaining on-the-job experience:
- ECE 94 Worksite Learning - Students are placed in high-quality ECE programs.
Why study early childhood education?
- Shasta College ECE graduates have a 100% employment rate in our community1
- ECE is a growing field, with 16.7% projected growth through 2024 in the north state2
1 2014-15 Shasta College CTE Job Placement Rates, 3/29/ 17, Office of Research and Institutional Effectiveness
2 2014-2024 Occupational Employment Projections Redding Metropolitan Statistical Area, December 2016, California Employment Development Department, Labor Market Information Division.

Growing Teachers Program Inquiries
Career Pathways in Early Childhood Education