Resources & Articles
Outdoor Classroom Project
- What is the outdoor classroom?
- Outdoor Classroom Unmasked: What have we learned from taking school outside
- Wonder
- Outdoor Spaces
- Natural Outdoor Classrooms -- 2019 September
- From playground risks to college admissions-- Failure helps build kids' resilience
- In Britain's Playgrounds, 'Bringing in Risk' to Build Resilience
Nutrition & Healthy Eating Habits
- Smarter Mealtimes
- ChooseMyPlate for Preschoolers (USDA)
- Healthy Role Model for Healthy Eating Habits (USDA)
- Kid-Friendly Veggies and Fruits (USDA)
- Preschool Snack Tips for Parents (USDA)
- Menu Planner for Families -- MyPlate (USDA)
- Healthy Tips for Active Play (USDA)
Health & Safety
- The Flu-- A Guide For Parents (CDC 2015)
- CDC Flu Info 2017-2018
- Carseat Awareness Flyer
- How to Teach Your Child to Dial 911
- Drowning Prevention Infographic
- Drowning Prevention and Water Safety (Governor Brown memo, May 2018)
- Agencies serving children and families in Shasta County 2019
- The Importance of Sensory Play
- From playground risks to college admissions-- Failure helps build kids' resilience
- Raising a Thankful Child (NAEYC)
- Big Jobs at Home (NAEYC)
- Building Social and Emotional Skills at Home (NAEYC)
- Help Your Preschooler Gain Self-Control (NAEYC)
- Listen, Talk, Answer -- Support Your Child's Learning (NAEYC)
- Talk It Up! (NAEYC)
- Tips for Spending Quality time With Your Child (NAEYC)
- Helpful Reminders for Classroom Volunteers
- Tell Me What To Do Instead -- Tips for communication with children
- Why Children Aren't Behaving, and What You Can Do About It
- Parent's Guide to Choosing Child Care (CA Department of Social Services, 2017 version)
- Birth to 5 Child Development Milestones -- CDC
- Sexual Development and Behavior in Children -- NCTSN 2009
Current Topics in Early Childhood Education
Kindergarten Readiness
ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
- Understanding ACEs
- About the Ace Study-- What everyone should know!
- Parenting to prevent and heal ACEs
- ACE Score & Resilience Questionnaire
Trauma Informed Practices (Trauma Sensitive Classrooms)
- Creating Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms
- Developing Young Children's Self-Regulation through Everyday Experiences
Screens, Technology & Media in Early Childhood
- DAP With Apps and Other Tech Tools: Making Choices that Make Sense for Preschoolers
- Study links Restricting Screen Time for Kids to Higher Mental Performance
- How Screens Impact Young Children (North State Parent Magazine -- April 2018)
- Technology and Media as Tools in ECE --NAEYC Position Statement 2012
- NAEYC article on Open-ended Apps for Preschoolers
- Excerpt from Beyond Remote-Controlled Childhood-- NAEYC publication 2013