Certificate | SC Program: CL.3154

The Early Childhood Education Family Childcare Certificate offers students initial training for employment as a family childcare provider. After completion of the 17-unit certification program, the student will be prepared to seek a family childcare provider position or family childcare licensure (assuming ability to pass Community Care Licensing [California Department of Social Services] requirements related to physical site).

This is a locally approved certificate. Upon satisfactory completion of the listed requirements and application for completion of the certificate to Admissions and Records, the student will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate program is not approved through the California Community College Chancellor’s Office; therefore, completion of the certificate will not be listed on the student’s transcript.

Choose your path

Map your education by viewing the program map for the degree or certificate you’re interested in earning below. Meet with a counselor to create your official comprehensive education plan.

A program map shows all the required and recommended courses you need to graduate and a suggested order in which you should take them. The suggested sequence of courses is based on enrollment and includes all major and general education courses required for the degree.

Fall Semester, First Year

13 Units Total
M 3
Child Growth and Development
Units 3
This course provides an in-depth examination of the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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M 3
Child, Family, Community
Units 3
This course covers the processes of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community. It also examines the influence of multiple societal contexts, and explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children's development, birth through adolescence. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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ECE 22
M 3
Care & Education for Infants & Toddlers
ECE 22
Units 3
This course focuses on the planning, preparation, and presentation of developmentally appropriate curriculum activities, materials, and learning environments for use with infants and toddlers to support physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and language development. Emphasis will be placed upon increasing the student's skills in critically analyzing education settings and materials for infants and toddlers. Special attention will be given to both indoor and outdoor environments and curriculum. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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ECE 52
M 3
Guidance in Adult-Child Relations
ECE 52
Units 3
This course explores principles and strategies of positive guidance that are both effective and flexible for adults interacting with young and school age children. Cognitive, social, and emotional characteristics and needs of children will be examined. This course would be of interest to parents, educators, caregivers, and any adult involved with or interested in children. This class may be offered in a distance education format.
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M 1
Exploring Family Childcare
Units 1
This course provides an introduction to family childcare. Topics presented include an overview of regulations, family childcare management, importance of culturally diverse and age appropriate activities, and safe and healthful setting in a family childcare. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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Please see a counselor to discuss options for meeting general education requirements for transfer to California State Universities (CSU) and/or University of California (UC) campuses, as well as any specific additional courses that may be required by your chosen institution of transfer.

*Alternative Courses: Please see a Shasta College counselor for alternative course options. You can also view the following to find other courses to meet degree/certificate requirements:

Need a print out? Feel free to download and/or print out a copy of the sample program map(s).

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Location Main Redding Campus | 1023

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