Business Information Systems Professional Certificate
Certificate | SC Program: CT.3247
Academic Plan
An academic plan shows all the courses you need to graduate and a suggested order in which you should take them. To make your personalized comprehensive education plan, please make an appointment with a counselor.

Choose your path
Map your education by viewing the program map for the degree or certificate you’re interested in earning below. Meet with a counselor to create your official comprehensive education plan.
A program map shows all the required and recommended courses you need to graduate and a suggested order in which you should take them. The suggested sequence of courses is based on enrollment and includes all major and general education courses required for the degree.
Fall Semester, First Year
14 Units TotalThis course is designed for beginning to advanced keyboarding students to improve typing speed and accuracy. Specific drills, proper typing techniques, and ergonomics will be covered in the course. Development of keyboarding skills is attained through repetitive typing of specific drills designed to improve both accuracy and speed. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This is an introductory course that introduces the concepts, principles, and uses of the EXCEL spreadsheet through multi-media lecture, demonstration, and discussion. Instruction will include use of the Windows environment by creating, editing, formatting, and printing worksheets, developing charts, graphs, and formulas and functions using relative and absolute cell reference. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This is an introductory course in keyboarding and Microsoft Word. Class includes learning to type alphabetic, numeric and symbol keys by touch; developing speed and accuracy; and formatting business documents including letters, memos, reports, tables and labels. Recommended for all students that want to learn typing and Microsoft Word. No prior knowledge of computers is required making this course an excellent place to start for beginning computer users. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This course is intended to help students achieve a degree of computer literacy through exposure to a variety of basic computer concepts including discussions of hardware, software, computer history, programming, computer ethics, and cultural implications. In addition, the student will be introduced to several hands-on applications such as systems software (Windows), word processing software (MS Word), spreadsheet software (MS Excel), database software (MS Access), and presentation software (MS PowerPoint). This course may be offered in a distance education format.
Note: Class will require outside time using a computer with appropriate software. Computer access is provided on campus at the Learning Resource Center and the Tehama Campus. Students taking the Internet format of this course must have access to the same version of Microsoft Operating System and Office Suite being used in the course.
This course introduces the student to the use of Microsoft Outlook, a desktop information management program in the Microsoft Office Suite. Instruction will include managing email messages, scheduling appointments and activities with the Calendar, entering and updating names and addresses as contacts, creating and maintaining an electronic to-do list with Tasks, and using Categories to organize, sort, and search. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
Spring Semester, First Year
16 Units TotalNote: Students will require access to a computer with the same version of Microsoft Operating System and Office Suite being used in the course. Computer access is available on all Shasta College campuses.
This course is designed to expand and improve worksheet skills through lecture, demonstration, and discussion. Instruction will include managing workbook data, using tables, analyzing table data, automating worksheet tasks, enhancing charts, and using what-if analysis. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This is an intermediate course in keyboarding and Microsoft Word. This course continues the development of keyboarding speed and accuracy while emphasizing the formatting of various kinds of business correspondence, reports, tables, forms, and desktop publishing projects from rough drafts. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
The Business Systems and Office Technologies Work Experience Education course allows the student to gain on-the-job experience through employment/volunteerism at an approved business or office job site that is acquired by the student and related to the student's major. A faculty member supervises all WEE courses to ensure that the work experience is of educational value. The course stresses good work habits and meeting of competencies through actual on-the-job performance. A student may repeat this course since course content varies and skills are enhanced by supervised repetition and practice. A maximum of 14 units may be earned in a single semester.
Note: Class will require outside time using a computer with appropriate software. Some computer access is provided on campus at the Learning Resource Center and the Tehama campus. Students taking the Internet format of this course must have access to the same version of Microsoft Operating System and Office Suite being used in the course.
This course introduces the concepts, principles, and creation of relational databases through multi-media lecture/demonstration/discussion using Microsoft Access on a Microsoft Windows compatible computer. Topics to be covered will include the principles and elements of the relational database; design of tables and data entry; maintenance of the database for data accuracy; queries for sorting, linking related tables, and selecting specific records; development of forms for viewing as well as entering data; and reports for presenting printed copy of the database and/or selected records. This course provides preparation for the Microsoft Office Specialist Access certification exam. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
Note: Class will require outside time using a computer with appropriate software. Some computer access is provided on campus at the Learning Resources Center and the Tehama Campus. Students taking the Internet format of this course must have access to the same version of the Microsoft Operating System and Office Suite being used in the course.
This course introduces word processing through using Microsoft Word for Windows. It explores how to design Microsoft Word to expand and improve basic word processing skills. Instruction will include a review of basic concepts and commands, illustrating documents with graphics, creating a web site, merging word documents, working with styles and templates, developing multi-page documents, and integrating Word with other programs. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
This is a hands-on course designed to familiarize students with Microsoft PowerPoint. Students will learn how to create effective slide show presentations with emphasis on customizing text, graphics and charts. Students will work with embedded and linked objects as well as hyperlinks and use PowerPoint's many slide show features. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
Please see a counselor to discuss options for meeting general education requirements for transfer to California State Universities (CSU) and/or University of California (UC) campuses, as well as any specific additional courses that may be required by your chosen institution of transfer.
*Alternative Courses: Please see a Shasta College counselor for alternative course options. You can also view the following to find other courses to meet degree/certificate requirements:
- California State Universities – General Education
- IGETC – Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum
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