Associate in Arts for Transfer | SC Program: AA-T.1005

Art enhances fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, problem solving skills, lateral thinking, complex analysis and critical thinking skills. No matter what career you choose, those who can use their creativity to arrange, present and display material in a way that is aesthetically pleasing have an advantage.

The AA-T in Studio Arts program provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of art, including conceptual awareness of current issues in art, technical competencies, visual aptitudes, and skills in many areas of human interaction, including relationship building, intercultural competency, critical thinking, information competency, teamwork and leadership. Students develop an understanding of the principles of art and design while investigating concepts and applying these elements to two dimensional compositions and three dimensional forms.

The Art program is academically grounded in the liberal arts tradition of cultural studies, history, philosophy, and technical processes. It provides a hands-on, learn-by-doing environment that gives students experiences and skills to complement many career paths. The AA-T in Studio Arts will align with the CSU Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Arts Degrees.

Choose your path

Map your education by viewing the program map for the degree or certificate you’re interested in earning below. Meet with a counselor to create your official comprehensive education plan.

A program map shows all the required and recommended courses you need to graduate and a suggested order in which you should take them. The suggested sequence of courses is based on enrollment and includes all major and general education courses required for the degree.

Fall Semester, First Year

16 Units Total
GE 4
College Composition
Units 4
Note: For students who would benefit from further instruction and individual support while taking their first college-transfer level English course, ENGL 1AX is a recommended alternative to ENGL 1A.

This course develops the reading, critical thinking, and writing skills necessary for academic success, emphasizing expository and argumentative writing as well as research and documentation skills. As a transferable course, it presupposes that students already have a substantial grasp of grammar, syntax, and organization, and that their writing is reasonably free from errors. A research paper is required for successful completion of the course. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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GE 3
General Psychology
Units 3
Advisory: College-level writing skills

This course provides an introduction to psychology, the study of the mind and behavior, as a science and as an applied field. The course provides an integration of physiological, cognitive, social-behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, cultural, and evolutionary perspectives. Topics include research methods, the nervous system, perception, learning, thinking, memory, human development, social behavior, emotions, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior, and psychotherapy. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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GE M 3
Western Art, Renaissance to Contemporary
Units 3
This course provides an overview of art and architecture from the Renaissance to the Contemporary period. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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ART 12
M 3
Beginning Form, Design and Color
ART 12
Units 3
This is a fundamental course in two-dimensional design and color theory with the study of basic design elements as they apply to form. Two-dimensional design includes balance, directional movements, structural analysis, texture, and unity. Color theory includes color schemes, psychological use of color, and value and intensity concepts. This course is required for the Art Core Program, and recommended for theatre, architecture, and graphic design studies.
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M 3
Beginning Freehand Drawing
Units 3
This course is an introduction to principles, elements, and practices of drawing, employing a wide range of subject matter and drawing media. Focus is on perceptually based drawing, observational skills, technical abilities, and creative responses to materials and subject matter.
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Spring Semester, First Year

16 Units Total
GE 4
Introduction to Statistics
Units 4
This course is an introductory course in statistics designed to show the role of modern statistical methods in the process of decision making. Concepts are introduced by example rather than by rigorous mathematical theory. The following topics will be covered: measures of central tendency and dispersion, regression and correlation, probability, sampling distributions including the normal, t, and chi-square, statistical inference using confidence intervals and hypotheses testing. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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GE 3
Literature and Composition
Units 3
This course emphasizes the development of critical thinking and writing skills through close study of the major genres of literature: poetry, drama, short story and novel. Students receive further instruction and practice in analytical writing, developing arguments about literary works and the critical reception of those works. In discussion and writing, students will also examine arguments as such, learning to identify sound as well as fallacious reasoning in critical assessments of literature. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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GE 3
Introduction to American Government
Units 3
Advisory: ENGL 1A or English Placement Level 7 or higher.

This course is an introduction to United States and California government and politics, including their constitutions, political institutions and processes, and political actors. An examination of political behavior, political issues, and public policy, this course satisfies the CSU requirement in U.S. Constitution and California State and local government (US-2 and US-3). This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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ART 15
M 3
Three Dimensional Design
ART 15
Units 3
Note: Field trips may be required.

This course introduces the concepts, applications, and historical references related to three-dimensional design and spatial composition, including the study of the elements and organizing principles of design as they apply to three-dimensional space and form. The course trains students in the development of a visual vocabulary for creative expression through lecture presentations and the use of appropriate materials for non-representational three-dimensional studio projects.
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GE M 3
World Art
Units 3
This is a survey of the visual arts of diverse ethnic and indigenous cultures with an emphasis on both historic and contemporary art. Explored are the Americas, Africa, and the Pacific Islands. Lectures are focused on the styles, motifs, symbols, rituals and traditions of the cultures by examining their crafts, drawings, sculpture, printmaking and paintings. This course is designed as a Humanities elective, recommended for Art Core Programs, and required for the Art History Concentration. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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Fall Semester, Second Year

15 Units Total
GE 3
Small Group Communication
Units 3
Advisory: Essay-writing skills and eligibility to enroll in a transfer-level English Composition course, or English Placement Level 6 or higher.

This course is an introduction to the process of human communication with an emphasis on small groups. Subjects covered are preparation for discussion, group participation, leadership, decision-making, interpersonal relations, managing diversity, critical thinking/problem-solving, managing conflict, and evaluation of group interaction. Students will be involved in group interactions, and emphasis will be on practical experience. College-level writing skills will be expected on all papers, outlines, and short essays. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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GE 3
Introduction to Ethnic Studies
Units 3
Advisory: Essay-writing skills and eligibility to enroll in a transfer-level English Composition course

This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of race and ethnicity in the United States. It examines social justice movements in relation to ethnic and racial groups in the United States to provide a basis for a better understanding of the socioeconomic, cultural, and political conditions among key social groups including, but not limited to, Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latina/o Americans. This course examines the systemic nature of racial/ethnic oppression through an examination of key concepts including racialization and ethnocentrism, with a specific focus on the persistence of white supremacy. Using an anti-racist framework, the course will examine historical and contemporary social movements dedicated to the decolonization of social institutions, resistance, and social justice. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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GE 3
Stellar Astronomy
Units 3
This course is a survey course designed to introduce the science of astronomy concentrating on celestial bodies and phenomena beyond the solar system. This course covers aspects of the history of astronomy, light, telescopes, prominent scientists, the sun, stars, stellar evolution, galaxies, cosmology, gravity wave astronomy, and the possibility of other life forms in the Universe. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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ART 13
M 3
Intermediate Form, Design and Color
ART 13
Units 3
This course offers a study of the principles, theories, and applications of additive and subtractive color in two dimensions. Topics will include major historical and contemporary color systems, production of projects in applied color, and the elements of design as they apply to color.
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M 3
Beginning Painting
Units 3
Introduction to principles, elements, and practices of painting. Focus on exploration of painting materials, perceptual skills and color theory, paint mixing and technique, as well as creative responses to materials and subject matter.
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Spring Semester, Second Year

13 Units Total
GE 3
United States History
Units 3
Advisory: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or higher

This course is a survey of the history of the United States from Pre-Columbian Peoples to the end of Reconstruction. Topics include contact and settlement of America, the movement toward independence, the formation of a new nation and Constitution, westward expansion and manifest destiny, the causes and consequences of the Civil War, and Reconstruction. This course satisfies the CSU requirement for US History (US-1). This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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GE 3
General Biology
Units 3
Note: BIOL 10 will meet the general education requirement for a laboratory science if taken with BIOL 10L.

This course is an introduction to the major concepts of modern biology. Topics covered include biochemistry, cell biology, heredity, and nature of genes, evolution, diversity of life, and principles of ecology. Emphasis will be placed on those aspects of biology that are rapidly reshaping our culture. This course may be offered in a distance education format. This course will meet the general education requirement for a laboratory science if taken with BIOL 10L.
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GE Lab 1
General Biology Laboratory
Units 1
Note: BIOL 10 will meet the general education requirement for a lab science if taken with BIOL 10L.

This is a laboratory course that offers experiments and demonstrations covering the basic concepts of the lecture course BIOL 10. The laboratory is designed to expose student to biological techniques including microscopy, biochemistry, genetics, evolution, diversity of life, and principles of ecology. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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GE 3
Exploring the Humanities
Units 3
This course is designed to explore the humanities by examining expression of human values, ideas, concerns, and experience through the arts, literature, media and the social sciences. The reading of important works in the humanities, written analysis, and attendance at selected performances are major requirements of this course. This course may be offered in a distance education format.
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M 3
Intermediate Freehand Drawing
Units 3
This course is an exploration of artistic concepts, styles, and creative expression related to intermediate-level drawing, focusing on complex subject matter and concepts using a variety of drawing mediums, techniques, and methodologies. Students in this course will build on fundamental drawing skills to develop personalized approaches to content and materials in exercises covering multiple historical and contemporary approaches to drawing.
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Please see a counselor to discuss options for meeting general education requirements for transfer to California State Universities (CSU) and/or University of California (UC) campuses, as well as any specific additional courses that may be required by your chosen institution of transfer.

*Alternative Courses: Please see a Shasta College counselor for alternative course options. You can also view the following to find other courses to meet degree/certificate requirements:

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