Concurrent Enrollment: What to Expect

Students may submit the Concurrent Enrollment Form when the schedule for the semester you are applying goes live. View important dates for upcoming semester(s) at Dates & Deadlines

Please allow 2-5 business days to process all completed forms. Completed forms are defined as forms that have been fully signed by the student, parent, principal and high school counselor (if applicable).

After your parent signs your one-time special admit/CCAP agreement it will be routed for dual enrollment for processing. If you run into an error accessing the registration form, please allow 24 hours for your parent agreement to be processed. Please allow 2-5 business days for your registration form to be processed. Completed forms are defined as forms that have been fully signed by all required parties.

Completed forms have accurate data entry and have been signed by all required parties. Incomplete forms will not be processed. 

  • Fall: High School Students may enroll in up to 11 units (15 units for CCAP students) 
  • Spring: High School Students may enroll in up to 11 units (15 units for CCAP students)
  • Summer: High School Students may enroll in up to 7 units (15 units for CCAP students)

Follow the link to learn more about College and Career Access Pathway (CCAP) Agreements. 

Students wishing to enroll in English 1A or in a class with an English prerequisite will be asked to provide a current high school transcript to determine readiness. Students who have not yet entered 11th grade will be asked to provide a writing sample in addition to their high school transcript. The writing sample may be selected from essays a student completed during the current school year that they feel showcase their ability to write at the college level. The counselor will look at many factors such as previous coursework in high school English to determine eligibility to enroll. All students who feel ready to enter college level English are encouraged to speak with the Early College Programs counselor.

Students wishing to enroll in a transfer-level math course will be asked to provide a current high school transcript to determine readiness. Students in the 8th grade or below will typically not be eligible to enroll in transfer-level math. Those able to demonstrate superior skills should schedule an appointment with a Shasta College counselor for discussion and clearance. All students who feel ready to enter transfer-level math are encouraged to speak with the Early College Programs counselor.

Please contact the Early College Programs counselor for any questions, at (530) 242-7694 or visit our online appointment system to schedule a counseling appointment.

Enroll & Register Today! 

Never enrolled in a dual or concurrent course at Shasta College? Start Here 

Step 1: Apply to Shasta College

Fill out an online application for Shasta College and become a college student: Apply Now. Be sure to complete the application in its entirety and be on the lookout for a Welcome email from Shasta College.

Already have a Shasta College account? Move to Step 2.

Step 2: Complete the One-Time Special Admit Parent Agreement Form

Beginning Spring 2024 all high school students must have a one-time parent agreement on file. This agreement represents parent or guardian approval for the entirety of the student’s time in high school.

Step 3: Complete the Registration Form & Registration Checklist

Both items are required each semester. The ECEP team will approve you for the number of units indicated on the registration form. A link for the registration checklist can be found on the MyShasta homepage.

Step 4: Register In MyShasta

Once all forms have been submitted and your registration date has arrived, you can login to MyShasta and register for your courses.

Want to explore your options? Meet with our counselor today!

The Early College Enrollment Program has an academic counselor dedicated to helping high school students.