PTA Complaints & Grievances
Student Rights and Grievances
The District is committed to resolving student complaints and/or grievances in a fair and equitable manner. Students wishing to file a complaint and/or grievance are asked to visit our Students Rights and Grievances web page for information on the formal complaint process.
Students are also encouraged to contact the PTA Program Director for additional support and guidance through the complaint process.
- Marcee Martinez – PTA Program Director,
- Dr. Zachary Zweigle - Dean of Health Sciences & University Programs,
Complaints regarding the program or the program graduates should be first addressed to the PTA Program Director, Marcee Martinez, PT, DPT: email:; phone: (530) 339-3629. Unresolved complaints or complaints about the Program Director should be directed to Dr. Zachary Zweigle, Dean of Health Sciences & University Programs: No retaliation will occur by either the program or the college due to a complaint being filed. All complaints will be documented, including the projected outcome, and kept on file at the program facility. Complaints regarding accreditation of this program should be addressed to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE): phone: (703) 706-3245; email:; address: 3030 Potomac Ave, Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22305-3085.
Complaints Outside the Realm of Due Process
Policy for Complaints about the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Outside the Realm of Due Process
Any individual, group, or organization that fall outside the realm of due process, may file a complaint about the program. This may include, but is not limited, to complaints from clinical education sites, employers of graduates, and the public. Complaints may be about the program’s policies and procedures, or other aspects of the program’s work, including its faculty and staff. Complaints from matriculated students or college faculty or staff should be pursued through the customary due process policies and procedures available to these constituents.
Procedure for Handling Complaints about the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Outside the Realm of Due Process:
Complaints regarding the program or the program graduates should be first addressed to the PTA Program Director, Marcee Martinez, PT, DPT: email:; phone: (530) 339-3629. Unresolved complaints or complaints about the Program Director should be directed to Dr. Zachary Zweigle, Dean of Health Sciences & University Programs:; phone: (530) 339-3610
No retaliation will occur by either the program or the college due to a complaint being filed. All complaints will be documented and responded to within 14 working days, including the projected outcome, and kept on file at the program facility. Complaints regarding accreditation of this program should be addressed to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE): phone: (703) 706-3245; email:; address: 3030 Potomac Ave, Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22305-3085.