Health Science students must comply with the clinical facility requirements related to immunizations and testing.  Students should not delay in completing their immunizations as some take up to 4-6 months to complete.  All completed clinical requirements will be due by the deadline established in the Enrollment Invitation communication.  Students will not be allowed to participate in clinical programs without documentation of completed program immunization requirements.


Students will complete the Clinical Requirements Checklist showing dates of immunizations or titer.  Copies of original immunization records must be attached to the completed Immunization Documentation form.  All information will be verified by the Health Sciences division staff. 

Be sure to start early; if vaccination is required, some vaccination series can take up to 6 months.​​

​Non-Time Sensitive Required Immunizations

All Programs (except NA/HHA):

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (TDap) — A Tdap (which includes vaccination for Pertussis) needs to be administered one-time as an adult within the last 10 years.  If Tdap is older than 10 years, provide proof of Td booster within the last 10 years as well as original Tdap.
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) — Two (2) doses of MMR vaccine (reported by month and year of each dose) administered at least 4-8 weeks apart OR serum quantitative titer demonstrating proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.
  • ​​Varicella (Chicken Pox)—Two (2) doses of Varicella vaccine administered at least 4 weeks apart OR serum quantitative titer demonstrating proof of immunity to Varicella.

​​​​​​NOTE: A previous diagnosis of chickenpox is NOT accepted as proof of Varicella immunity.  You must submit documentation of the Varicella vaccine series or a titer showing proof of immunity.​​​

​​For ADN, Dental Hygiene, PTA, and VN: 

  • ​​​​Hepatitis B — Serum quantitative titer for Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (IgG) demonstrating proof of immunity to Hepatitis B​. Vaccination records will not be accepted for Hepatitis B (titers only).​​

​​For HIT, HIM, Medical Assisting, and Medical Scribe: 

  • Hepatitis B — Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B vaccine OR serum quantitative titer for Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (IgG) demonstrating proof of immunity to Hepatitis B​. 

Clinical Requirements Checklist for HIT/HIM & Allied Health

For students completing immunizations by vaccinations (shots): 

These records may be available from public health records, military records, medical records from personal ​or group physicians offices, or a school nurse. If records are not available, the applicant must repeat immunizations OR obtain Serum titers and submit the actual lab report.​  Vaccination records will not be accepted for Hepatitis B (titers only).

For students showing proof of immunity through titers: 

Titers offer the most objective documentation and protection for the student and institution; therefore; immunity must be documented by serum quantitative titers (with numerical values). Titers can be obtained at a clinical laboratory through a written order by a primary care provider. Titer results don't expire.

Note:  Titers will require a physician order taken to a clinical laboratory.  A student's insurance may or may not cover these titers.  Should the student need to pay for the lab titers, there are several companies that facilitate titer processing.  This titer price comparison​ sheet may assist students in deciding on which company to use.  Prices are subject to change.​

Quantitative titers have a numerical value. Qualitative titers simply indicate "immune vs. non-immune" (with no numerical value). Qualitative titers will not be accepted by the Health Sciences Division.

  • Students should ensure that they receive IgG titers. DO NOT get labs for IgM titers.
  • The appropriate titer for documentation of immunity for the Hepatitis B clinical requirement is the Hep B Surface AB (antibody) titer, NOT the Hep B AG (antigen) titer.

Any titers must show patient name/information, lab/doctor's information, date of collection, name of test, the numerical values used in interpreting the results, and the results.​

If you need to repeat the Hep B series, begin as soon as possible.  The three (3) dose series will be administered over a 4 to 6 month period, depending on your primary healthcare provider's preference.  You will then need to have a repeat titer 1-2 months after finishing the series.

  • ​CDC standard recommendations are for the series to be given at 0, 1, and 6 months.         
  • CDC minimum requirements allow for the series to be given at 0, 1, and 4 months.​ There must be a minimum of 8 weeks between the second & third doses and a minimum of 16 weeks between first & third doses.​

Annually Required Immunization

Influenza — one dose annually (September – March). The Public Health Department of both Shasta County and Tehama County have mandated that all healthcare workers must receive an annual influenza vaccine.  In addition, most of the health care facilities in which we contract for clinical assignments require students to have the vaccine prior to being assigned to patient care.