The Bachelor’s through Online and Local Degrees (BOLD) program, established in 2016 to address the limited public university access in our region, has served Shasta College students pursuing online and local baccalaureate degrees for the past eight years. Originally, BOLD focused on identifying affordable, regionally accredited, and accessible university pathways, while supporting students in preparing for, applying to, and matriculating to these institutions. A key component was a series of 1-unit Student Development courses designed to maintain student connection with Shasta College resources post-transfer.

Over the past eight years, and particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic, the landscape of online higher education has significantly evolved. Universities have enhanced their online student support and academic resources, and the expansion of dual admission programs has streamlined the transfer process. These developments have prompted a reassessment of the BOLD program's structure and services.

Our experience with students utilizing online and local degree completion programs has yielded the following key insights:

  1. Students and counselors highly value the BOLD website's research and information on appropriate degree completion opportunities.
  2. Counseling support for program selection and educational planning remains a frequently utilized and valued service.
  3. Application and matriculation assistance continues to be necessary for some students.
  4. While initially enthusiastic, students rarely enroll in the BOLD Student Development courses after transferring, citing similar resources and support available directly from their chosen universities.

Consequently, BOLD is transitioning to a revised service model, “BOLD 2.0,” focusing on core student needs in the online degree pursuit. Specifically, we will no longer promote the BOLD Student Development courses. The discontinuation of these courses will be addressed by the DAPS Division.

BOLD 2.0 will provide the following key services:

  • Program Identification and Promotion: Identifying and promoting high-quality, affordable, regionally accredited, and non-profit online programs.
  • Exploration and Guidance: Assisting students in exploring university options and navigating financial aid opportunities.
  • Prerequisite Support: Helping students identify and complete necessary prerequisites.
  • Transfer Navigation: Guiding students through the transfer admissions process.

This restructuring will allow BOLD to continue effectively serving Shasta College students in their pursuit of online bachelor's degrees within the evolving higher education environment. We believe this revised approach will maximize resources and better meet the current needs of our student population.