Shasta College is committed to student success, even after students leave us. In 2018, the college launched the "Degrees When Due" initiative, a collaborative effort between Admissions & Records, Innovation, and Institutional Research. This project aimed to identify former students who had earned some college credit but never completed a certificate or degree.

The initial goal was to find students close to finishing and encourage them to return and complete their programs. We also explored options for filling credit gaps with transcripts from other institutions.

The results exceeded expectations.

  • Over 2,000 former students were identified as having completed a certificate or degree, some achieving multiple awards! Hundreds more were found to be only a few courses away from a credential.
  • We discovered a significant number of students who unknowingly met program requirements but never formally applied for their credential.
Taking Action for Student Success
  • Students who earned a certificate or degree now have their credential(s) posted to their transcripts, have been notified, and can receive a printed certificate/diploma.
  • Students close to completion have been notified about their missing requirements.

The Degrees When Due initiative exemplifies Shasta College's dedication to student success and maximizing the value of their educational investment. This program demonstrates a commitment to both completion and ensuring students receive the recognition they deserve for their accomplishments.