Purpose and Responsibilities

The mission of Shasta College Student Services is to provide comprehensive high quality programs, services, and guidance which contribute to the success of our students and empower them to make informed decisions to facilitate their learning and achieve their goals.

The Student Services Managers provides a forum for Deans and Directors working under the umbrella of the Student Services division to meet, plan, and evaluate strategies, activities, and programs designed to facilitate the success of Shasta College students. Responsibilities of the SSC are to:

  • Review and prioritize Annual Area Plans and budget initiatives for areas within the Student Services division;
  • Recommend student support strategies to enhance student access, equity, success, retention, persistence and goal attainment;
  • Recommend and advise on long-range and short-term plans for the Student Services division;
  • Review, recommend, and act upon policies and procedures that affect student services, student success, and student interests as they pertain to the campus and the District;
  • Identify campus student services issues and develop policy initiatives and proposals for consideration by the College Council; and
  • Provide jurisdiction over all matters related to Student Services including policy guidance on Student Services related matters.
  • Scope and function will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

The Student Services Managers accepts information, reports, and recommendations from the Student Success Committee, and Student Senate.


The Student Services Managers reports and makes recommendations to the College Council.

Committee Membership

  • 1  VP of Student Services - Tim Johnston (Chair)
  • 2  Dean of Student Services - Sandra Hamilton Slane and Shaunna Rossman
  • 1  Associate Dean of Student Services - Johnnie Owens
  • 1 Manager from each of the following areas:
    • EOPS/CalWORKS - Nadia Elwood
    • PACE/C2C - Candice Hann
    • Director of Student Life - Nathan Costa
    • TRIO Director - Sue Huizinga
    • Director of Student Services (A&R/Fin Aid) - Alexa Zaharris
  • Instructional Dean representing Instructional Deans/Extended Education - Carlos Reyes
  • A total of 3 additional managers from among the following areas to serve on a rotating annual basis. The remainder to serve as ex officio members.
    • Group 1 (2023-24)
      Assistant Director – Gateway to College
      Program Coordinator – Veterans Services
      Program Coordinator – Basic Needs
    • Group 2 (2024-25)
      Program Director – STEP-UP
      Program Coordinator – Financial Aid
      Health and Wellness
    • Group 3 (2025-26)
      Director – Gateway to College
      Program Director – Foster/Kinship
      Program Coordinator – MESA
  • Fiscal Analyst attends as a non-voting member.

Contact Us

Jacquie Wright

Staff Contact Info
Department Student Services
Location Main Redding Campus | 2312