Scholastic Standards Committee
The committee shall follow District policy and Title V of the Education Code in reviewing student academic appeals to:
- Ensure that scholastic/academic standards are met
- Ensure a fair and equitable process to student academic appeal petitions
Student academic appeal petitions which relate to academic and professional matters under the purview of the Shasta College Academic Senate include course repetition, significant lapse of time, scholastic deficiency, catalog rights, and extenuating circumstances for changing an evaluative grade to a withdrawal.
2022-2023 Scholastic Standards Committee Membership
- Lenore Watson – Co-Chair, Arts, Communications, Consumer and Social Sciences
- Tim Johnston - Co-Chair, Associate Vice President of Student Services
- Misty Trujillo - Academic Counselor, PACE
- Jaime Larson – Science, Lang. Arts, Math
- Kevin Fox – Science, Lang. Arts, Math
- Jason Kelly – Academic Counselor, Physical Education and Athletics
- Jeff Hendrickson – Business, Agriculture & Career Technical Education (BACTE)
- Darren Gurney - Business, Agriculture & Career Technical Education (BACTE) / EWD
- Candice Gaeddert - Health Sciences