CurricUNET FAQ's / How- To's
- Has someone else (another faculty) already started the edits?
CNET will only allow one copy/modification of a course at a time. If someone else has already started edits, you will not be able to make your own edits.
Search for the course in the Search function. Black text in the *Pending*, *Launched*, or *Approved* status means someone else has already started a proposal.
YES, someone else has already started edits: Coordinate with that faculty member and/or your Dean regarding those edits. If you would like to be added as a Co-Contributor (also able to make edits before the Proposal has been submitted) the Originator of the proposal must give you access.
NO, I don’t see that anyone else has started edits: Go on to #2 - Did you make a copy of the course already to try to make edits to a different course?
You cannot make a copy of “ACCT 1” to "turn it into" “ACCT 2” by manually changing text.
(This also applies to creating New Courses.) If you try this, CNET will "think" there is already
a copy of ACCT 1, even though you have manually changed it to "look like" ACCT 2, and CNET will not allow you to make another copy of it.
YES, oops, I may have done this: Email the Curriculum Specialists. We will need to un-do it and delete the edits you made on the back end. If you made significant edits already, we suggest saving a copy (AF/AFC report) to so you don’t have to type it all out again from scratch when you begin again.Laura Specht
Kim Alcorn kalcorn@shastacollege.eduNO, I don’t think I did this: Go on to #3
- Did you already make and finish edits to this course this year?
If you already made edits for the upcoming catalog, but you are really on the ball and already want to make edits for the next-next catalog, your course may be waiting in Approved status until it goes Active on 8/2/20xx.
YES, I may have already made edits this year. Email the Curriculum Specialists. We can make you a Copy of the most current version of the course on the back end.
Laura Specht
Kim Alcorn
NO, I didn’t make any edits already this year: Go on to #4 - Do you have permissions set up to edit that Subject? (e.g. MUS, ACCT, etc)
If you are new faculty or have never needed to make edits in CurricUNET for this Subject before, you may not have permissions set up to edit that Subject. (This also applies to Programs)
Search for the course/program in the Search function. Filter by ‘Active’. DO NOT ENTER A COURSE NUMBER or TITLE.
If there are no Copy Icons on any of those Red *Active* subjects/programs (and you have already verified none of the #1-3 scenarios apply) it likely means you do not have access to edit that Subject/Program.
YES, I see a Copy Icon: Yay, you have permission to make a copy and begin edits!
NO, there aren’t any Copy Icons on any of them: Email the Dean of that department and cc the Curriculum Specialists. Ask the Dean for permission to edit those subjects. Once your dean verifies, we can give you permission to edit that Subject.
Laura Specht
Kim Alcorn
None of these scenarios apply and I’m still stuck: Email the Curriculum Specialists (both of us – we tag team!)
Laura Specht
Kim Alcorn
- Have you made a COPY of the course yet? You can only make edits after you make a Copy of the course. You cannot directly edit the Active version of a course. (You would be editing the current record, and we don’t want that.)
- If you have already made a Copy, made your edits, and Submitted the course and been asked to make edits, check for an email from the Curriculum Specialists.
Did they offer to “make the changes for you in CNET?” This means they have NOT sent the proposal back to you to make edits. You will not be able to access it unless you specifically ask to have it "sent back to you". Please respond to that email with your edits.
(Proposals don't function as simply "open/closed" for edits. Everyone has a "step" in a long queue of approvals, and it is only open for edits at that particular step.
Why do we do it this way? Because we are used to CurricUNET’s pecularities and it’s faster and easier for us to make the edits.
- There's no "copy" icon. (See "The "copy" icon isn't there" FAQ.)
- I hit the "edit" (pencil icon), but it won't let me edit.
- Have you made a COPY of the course yet? You can only make edits after you make a Copy of the course. You cannot directly edit the Active version of a course. (You would be editing the current record, and we don’t want that.)
- If you have already made a Copy, made your edits, and Submitted the course and been asked to make edits, check for an email from the Curriculum Specialists.
- Did they offer to “make the changes for you in CNET?” This means they have NOT sent the proposal back to you to make edits. You will not be able to access it unless you specifically ask to have it "sent back to you". Please respond to that email with your edits.