Grade Appeal Procedure
To conform to the provision of Section 55025 of the California Administrative Code, Title 5, the determination of the student’s grade by the instructor shall be final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence. All changes or modifications to a student record must be requested no later than one year from end of the semester in which the grade was posted. If a grade is found to have been given in error, the incorrect grade will be replaced with the correct grade.
The procedure for appealing a final grade is as follows:
Level 1
Student contacts instructor. Instructor makes a change or not.
In the event that an instructor is no longer available to hear the appeal and make a change, then the Division Dean may assign a discipline peer to evaluate the information and make the change, or not, based on the legal requirements of mistake, calculation, error, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence. If a change is warranted, then the reviewing faculty member will provide the Division Dean and Admissions & Records with a written summary of the evidence for the change (for evidentiary purposes) and the recommended grade change.
Level 2
If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the Level 1 appeal, he/she may appeal directly to the Division Dean in writing. The Dean will review the appeal, investigate, and either support a change or support the original assigned grade.
If the Division Dean supports a change, he/she will prepare a written recommendation, with evidence and a recommended grade change, and forward that to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Division Dean will also direct the student, in writing, to Admissions & Records to pick up, fill out, and file a written appeal to the Vice President citing the Division Dean's support.
If the Division Dean does not find cause, as per the statutory requirements, he/she will notify the student of that decision. The Dean will also notify the student that he/she may appeal the decision to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Level 3
If the student is not satisfied with the Dean's decision, he/she may appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will review the appeal and render a decision regarding the appeal. The final determination concerning removal or change of grade will be made by the Vice President of Academic Affairs or his/her designee.
If the Vice President does not feel the appeal has merit, then he/she will inform the student of the decision in writing.
Approved by the Academic Senate 10/27/08