The Board of Trustees of the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District have adopted the following Board policies, which serve as the voice of the Board and define the general goals and acceptable practices to guide District operations. The Board, through policy, delegates authority to the Superintendent/President to uphold Board policies and implement administrative procedures. 

Board policies implement and interpret federal and state statutes and regulations, but do not cover all laws and requirements that apply to the District.  They are not intended to and cannot conflict with or override the law.  All Board policies are approved by the Board of Trustees.

Administrative procedures have been developed to provide for implementation of the policies adopted by the Board of Trustees. Whereas Board policies are broad, administrative procedures are specific and include details of policy implementation, responsibility, accountability and standards of practice.  Administrative procedures are reviewed by the Board of Trustees.  Not all Board Policies have a corresponding Administrative Procedure, and not all Administrative Procedures have an associated Board Policy.

Proposals regarding Board policies and administrative procedures may originate through any of several sources: an employee or an employee organization, a student or student organization, a member of the Board of Trustees, the Superintendent / President, a consultant, a taxpayer, a civic group, etc. For complete guidelines regarding the adoption of new policies/procedures, or amendments thereto, please see Board Policy 2410 – Policy and Administrative Procedures, Administrative Procedure 2410 - Policy and Administrative Procedures, and BP 2510 – Participation in Local Decision Making.

The general Board Policies and Administrative Procedures approval process flowchart may be viewed here.

Chapter Links


Board Policy  Title  Admin Proc

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​BP 1100​​ ​The Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District  
BP 1200 District Mission ​  
​BP 1300 ​Institutional Student Learning Outcomes ​  

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BP 2000​​ Organization  
​BP 2010​​  ​Board Membership  
​BP 2015 Student Member AP 2015
BP 2100 Board Elections AP 2100​
BP 2105 Election of Student Member(s)  AP 2105
BP 2110​​​  Vacancies on the Board AP 2110
BP 2130​​  Term Limits  
BP 2200  ​Purpose and Role of the Board ​  
​BP 2210​​ ​Officers ​  
​BP 2220 Committees of the Board ​  
BP 2305 Annual Organizational Meeting ​  
​BP 2310 ​Regular Meetings of the Board ​  
BP 2315 ​Closed Sessions  
BP 2320 Special and Emergency Meetings AP 2320​
BP 2330​ ​ Quorum and Voting ​  
BP 2340 ​Agendas AP 2340
BP 2345 Public Participation at Board Meetings  
​BP 2350​  ​Speakers ​  
​BP 2355​  ​Decorum  
​BP 2360​​ ​ Minutes ​  
​BP 2365​  Recording AP 2365​
BP 2410​ ​ Board Policies and Administrative Procedures AP 2410​
​BP 2430  Delegation of Authority to Superintendent/President   
BP 2431​​ CEO Selection  
BP 2432 ​Superintendent/President Succession ​  
BP 2435  Evaluation of Superintendent/President ​​AP 2435
BP 2510 Participation in Local Decision Making AP 2510
BP 2610​  ​Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals  AP 2610​
​BP 2710​​ ​Conflict of Interest AP 2710​​
  Conflict of Interest Code   AP 2712​​
  ​Distribution of Tickets or Passes AP 2714
BP 2715  Code of Ethics - Standards of Practice ​  
​BP 2716​  Political Activity ​  
BP 2717 Personal Use of Public Resources ​  
​BP 2720​  ​Communications Among Board Members  
BP 2725​ ​Board Member Compensation  
​BP 2730​​ ​Board Member Health Benefits ​  
BP 2735​​ Board Member Travel  
BP 2740​  ​​Board Education ​  
​BP 2745​​  Board Self-Evaluation  
BP 2750 ​Board Member Absence from the State  

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  Institutional Code of Ethics AP 3050​
BP 3100  ​Organizational Structure AP 3100
​BP 3200​ ​ Accreditation AP 3200​
BP 3225  ​Institutional Effectiveness A​P 3225​
​BP 3250 Institutional Planning AP 3250​
BP 3280  Grants AP 3280
​BP 3300 Public Records AP 3300​
​BP 3310  Records Retention and Destruction ​AP 3310
BP 3410 ​​Nondiscrimination AP 3410​
  Immigration Activities AP 3415
BP 3420 ​Equal Employment Opportunity ​AP 3420
BP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment AP 3430
BP 3433 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment under Title IX AP 3433
  Responding to Harassment Based on Sex under Title IX AP 3434
  Discrimination and Harassment Complaints and Investigations AP 3435
BP 3500 Campus Safety AP 3500
BP 3501 Campus Security and Access A​P 3501
BP 3503​​ Missing Student Notification AP 3503
BP 3505 Emergency Response Plan AP 3505
BP 3510 Workplace Violence Prevention AP 3510
​BP 3515 Reporting of Crimes AP 3515
  Registered Sex Offender Information AP 3516​
BP 3518 Child Abuse Reporting AP 3518​
BP 3520 Local Law Enforcement AP 3520
BP 3530 Weapons on Campus AP 3530
BP 3540​ Sexual Assaults on Campus and in Campus Program AP 3540
BP 3550 Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program AP 3550
BP 3551 ​Student Drug and Alcohol Testing and Criminal Background Checks AP 3551
BP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages AP 3560
BP 3570 Smoking and Tobacco Use ​​AP 3570​​
​BP 3600 Auxiliary Organizations AP 3600
BP 3710  ​Securing of Copyright AP 3710
BP 3715 ​Intellectual Property AP 3715
BP 3720 Computer and Network Use AP 3720
  Use of Copyrighted Material ​AP 3750
​BP 3810 Claims Against the District AP 3810
BP 3820 Gifts AP 3820​​
BP 3830 Ceremonies, Observances, Forums ​  
BP 3900 Speech: Time, Place and Manner AP 3900
BP 3950 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) AP 3950

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BP 4010 Academic Calendar AP 4010
​BP 4020 ​Program and Curriculum Development ​AP 4020
  Program Review and Discontinuance AP 4021
BP 4025​ Philosophy and Criteria for AS Degree and General Education ​  
BP 4030 Academic Freedom  
BP 4040 Library Services AP 4040
BP 4050 ​​Articulation AP 4050
​BP 4060 Delineation of Functions Agreements ​  
​BP 4070 ​Course Auditing and Auditing Fees AP 4070
​BP 4100  Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates AP 4100
  Independent Study AP 4101
  Career and Technical Education Programs ​AP 4102​
  Work Experience ​​AP 4103
  ​Distance Education AP 4105​
​BP 4110 Honorary Degrees   
BP 4220 ​Standards of Scholarship  
  Remedial Coursework AP 4222
BP 4225​ Course Repetition AP 4225
BP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments  AP 4226
  Course Repetition - Significant Lapse of Time AP 4228
  Course Repetition - Variable Units AP 4229​​
BP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols AP 4230
BP 4231 Grade Changes AP 4231
  Pass/No Pass Courses AP 4232
​BP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning AP 4235
  ​Advanced Placement Credit ​AP 4236​
BP 4240​ ​ ​Academic Renewal AP 4240
​BP 4250​ ​Probation, Dismissal and Readmission  
  Probation ​AP 4250
  Dismissal and Readmission AP 4255​
BP 4260 ​Prerequisites and Corequisites AP 4260
​BP 4300 Field Trips and Excursions AP 4300
BP 4400 Community Services Programs ​  
BP 4510 Copyrighted Materials Policy ​  

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BP 5010​ Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment  
  Admissions AP 5010​
  Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment of High School and Other Young Students ​AP 5011​
BP 5012 International Students AP 5012​​​
BP 5013​ ​Students in the Military  
  Students in the Military/Veterans Benefits AP 5013
BP 5015 Residence Determination AP 5015​
  Responding to Inquiries of Immigration Status, Citizenship Status and National Origin Information AP 5017
BP 5020 Non-Resident Tuition AP 5020
​BP 5030 Fees AP 5030
  ​Instructional Materials Fees AP 5031
​BP 5035 ​Withholding of Student Records AP 5035
BP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information and Privacy AP 5040
  Student Records: Preferred Names and Genders AP 5041
  Student Records -- Challenging Content and Access Log AP 5045​​
​BP 5050 Student Success and Support Program  AP 5050
BP 5052 ​Open Enrollment AP 5052
BP 5055​ Enrollment Priorities AP 5055​​
Attendance AP 5070
Course Adds and Drops ​AP 5075
BP 5110 ​Counseling AP 5110
BP 5120 Transfer Center AP 5120
BP 5130  ​​Financial Aid AP 5130
BP 5140 ​Disabled Students Programs and Services ​AP 5140
BP 5150 ​Extended Opportunity Programs and Services AP 5150
BP 5200 ​Student Health Services AP 5200
​BP 5205 Student Accident Insurance  ​​AP 5205
BP 5210 Communicable Disease  ​​​AP 5210
BP 5220​​ Shower Facilities for Students AP 5220
BP 5300 Student Equity AP 5300
BP 5400 Student Organizations AP 5400
​BP 5410 Student Senate Elections ​AP 5410
BP 5420 ​Student Organizations Finance AP 5420
​BP 5500 ​Standards of Conduct AP 5500
​BP 5510  Off-Campus Student Organizations AP 5510
  Student Discipline AP 5520
Student Rights and Grievances AP 5530
BP 5570  Student Credit Cards and Solicitations AP 5570
  ​Voter Registration AP 5610
BP 5700 Athletics AP 5700
BP 5800 ​Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions​  ​AP 5800

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​BP 6100 Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs AP 6100
BP 6150​  Designation of Authorized Signatures for Warrants AP 6150​
BP 6200 Budget Preparation AP 6200​
​BP 6250 ​Budget Management ​​AP 6250
​BP 6300​​ ​Fiscal Management ​AP 6300​​
  Reserves AP 6305​​
BP 6307​  ​​Debt Issuance and Management ​AP 6307
  ​Accounting AP 6310​​
  ​​Cash Management  AP 6311​​
  Warrants ​AP 6315
BP 6320 Investments AP 6320​
  Employee Indemnity Bonds AP 6322​​
  Payroll AP 6325
BP 6330 ​​Purchasing AP 6330
BP 6340 Bids and Contracts AP 6340
  Bids and Contracts - UPCCAA AP 6345​
  ​​Contracts - Construction  AP 6350
  Contracts - Electronic Systems and Materials ​AP 6360
  Contracts - Accessibility of Information Technology  AP 6365
  Contracts - Personal Services  AP 6370​​
BP 6400 Financial ​Audits  AP 6400
​BP 6450​ Wireless or Cellular Telephone Use AP 6450​
​BP 6500​ Property Management  
BP 6520 ​Security for District Property AP 6520
  District Vehicles  ​AP 6530
BP 6540 ​Insurance AP 6540
BP 6550​ ​Disposal of Property ​AP 6550​
BP 6600​ ​​Capital Construction AP 6600​
​BP 6620 ​Naming of College and District Buildings, Facilities or Grounds ​  
BP 6700 ​Civic Center and Other ​Facilities Use AP 6700​
BP 6740​ Citizens Bond Oversight Committee ​AP 6740
BP 6745  ​Use of College-Owned Vehicles ​  
BP 6750 ​Parking AP 6750​
BP 6800 Occupational Safety ​AP 6800
BP 6900 ​​Bookstore  

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BP 7100 ​Commitment to Diversity AP 7100​​
BP 7110​​ ​Delegation of Authority, Human Resources AP 7110​
BP 7120  ​Recruitment and Hiring ​AP 7120​
  Verification of Eligibility for Employment AP 7125​
​BP 7130 ​Compensation  
BP 7140 ​​Collective Bargaining  
  ​​Personnel Files  ​AP 7145
  ​Evaluation AP 7150​
​BP 7160 ​Professional Development AP 7160​​
BP 7210 ​Academic Employees
  Faculty Hiring Priorities Procedure for Full-Time Tenure-Track Positions AP 7210
  Academic Employees: Grievance Procedure for Contract Decisions AP 7216
  ​Senate Procedure for Certifying Educational Administrator Retreat Rights AP 7217
BP 7230 ​Classified Employees  
BP 7231 ​Code of Ethics - Classified Employees ​  
  ​Overtime ​AP 7234​​​
​​BP 7240 ​Confidential Employees AP 7240
​BP 7250 Educational Administrators  
​BP 7255 ​Code of Ethics - Administrators  
​BP 7260 Classified Supervisors and Managers  
  Student Employment  ​​AP 7270
​BP 7310 ​Nepotism  
​BP 7330 Communicable Disease  AP 7330
BP 7335 Health Examinations ​  
  Certification of Freedom of Tuberculosis AP 7336
  ​Fingerprinting ​AP 7337
​BP 7340 ​Leaves  
  ​Industrial Accident and Illness Leave AP 7343
​BP 7345 Catastrophic Leave  
Employees Called to Military Duty AP 7346
  Lactation Accommodations AP 7348
BP 7350 ​​Resignations  
BP 7360 Discipline and Dismissal - Academic Employees  
BP 7365​ ​Discipline and Dismissal - Classified Employees AP 7365​​
BP 7370 ​Political Activity ​​AP 7370
  Personal Use of Public Resources ​​AP 7371
​BP 7385  Salary Deductions  
​BP 7400 ​Employee Travel AP 7400
  ​Administrators' Attendance at Board Meetings ​AP 7420
  ​​Volunteers AP 7500​​
BP 7510​​ ​Domestic Partners  
​BP 7600 Campus Safety Officers AP 7600
BP 7700 Whistleblower Protection ​AP 7700​
​BP 7900​  Code of Ethics - Faculty AP 7900​​
​BP 7901 ​Employee Conduct and Dress  


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