Board Agendas & Meeting Minutes
For each meeting of the Board of Trustees, an agenda is published that includes a brief description of each business item to be discussed at the meeting. At each meeting, minutes are taken to record the official action of the Board of Trustees. These minutes are approved and published during the following Regular Meeting of the Board.
How to Provide Public Comment at a Board Meeting
The Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District welcomes public comment on issues within the jurisdiction of the college. In accordance with Board Policy - 2345 Public Participation at Board Meetings, members of the public may address the Board of Trustees on an item that is on the agenda by submitting a Speaker Card at the beginning of the meeting during "Call for Requests to Speak to an Agenda Item from the Audience."
Members of the public may address the Board of Trustees on an item that is not on the agenda during "Public Comments."
For additional information on how to address the Board of Trustees during Board Meetings, please refer to Board Policy - 2345 Public Participation, Board Policy 2350 – Speakers, and Board Policy 2355 - Decorum at Board Meetings.
How to Place Items on the Board’s Agenda for Action
Members of the public may present, for Board consideration, agenda items which directly relate to the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District. To appear on the official Board Agenda, a written summary of such item must be submitted to the office of the District Superintendent/President, and must be signed by the initiator. The Superintendent/President, in consultation with the President of the Board, shall determine the meeting, within a reasonable time, at which a matter submitted by any person shall be heard by the Board.
Agenda items are due no later than 12:00 noon of the Wednesday two weeks prior to the Board meeting, the meeting schedule can be accessed at Board Meeting Calendar. If Thursday and Friday are holidays, the item must be submitted by 4:00 pm of the Tuesday two weeks prior to the Board meeting. See Board Policy 2340 – Agenda and Administrative Procedure 2340 - Agenda - for a more detailed explanation of the submission policy.
The office of the Superintendent/President can assist you in this matter. Please contact Mimi Koh, Interim Executive Assistant to the District Superintendent/President, via email at, or by phone at (530) 242-7510.
Board Meeting Dates
Regular meetings of the Governing Board shall be held on the second Wednesday of every month unless rescheduled by action of the Board.