Grants & Institutional Advancement
The mission of the Office of Grant Development is to advance the institutional goals and objectives of the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District by providing leadership and support for departments and teams engaging in grant development efforts that build institutional capacity, foster academic excellence, and enhance student success.
Since 2013, the Office of Grant Development has successfully contributed more than $150 million in grant and restricted funding to support the educational attainment and success of our students and advance the vision, mission, and strategic goals of Shasta College. Grants support college administration, instruction, faculty, staff, and students through program and curriculum development, state-of-the-art equipment, community engagement, public-private partnerships, and professional development.
With over a 90% success rate the Shasta College Office of Grant Development is a leader in California Community College institutional advancement, having written three California Innovation In Higher Education Awards (all ranking among the top five applications in the state for the given year), administering a statewide evaluation of the Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, and co-authoring the $18.3 million California Regional K-16 Educational Collaboratives grant – the largest single grant in Shasta College history.
The Office of Grant Development is a full-service office offering pre- and post-award support including grant seeking, proposal writing, program development, programmatic and fiscal management, reporting, evaluation, accountability, and compliance processes. Several recent successful grant programs at Shasta College include: