The Business Training Center (BTC) is the branch of Community Education that is dedicated to professional development. We do this through enrollment-based courses, found in our catalog, or by contracting with local business and organizations to train a cohort of employees. By partnering with local business and industry, the Business Training Center is able to enhance our community’s economic growth through cost-effective, results-oriented training services that are relevant and performance based. It also offers to qualified businesses special funding opportunities for training through the Employment and Training Panel (ETP). 

Enrollment Based Trainings 

We offer ongoing, enrollment-based training solutions. These are designed for employees and employers alike. Please explore the various options below! 

Customized Training Services 

The BTC staff will work with you and industry experts to create customized trainings and classes designed to meet your needs, within your budget. 

  • Custom design allows you to sign off on all learning outcomes. 
  • You determine when and where; on-site or off-site, or online – maximizing downtime.  
  • Your employees will learn together as a team - you select the participants and everyone receives the same training at the same time. 

ETP Funding for Workforce Development 

Would you like to receive high quality, customized employee training subsidized by ETP funding? Here's how... 

The Shasta College Business Training Center (BTC) and the Employment Training Panel (ETP) work together to provide businesses with low- to no-cost training that is designed to increase efficiencies, enhance productivity, and reduce costs. ETP is the state's premier funding program supporting job creation and retention through training. ETP fulfills its mission by reimbursing the cost of employer-driven training for workers. The BTC is experienced at securing funding on behalf of our business customers. We handle the administrative processes and we deliver the training program that fits your business needs and goals. All you need to do is send your employees to training!  

Call today at (530) 395-8561 for a free, no obligation consultation and see how the Business Training Center can design customized training to meet your employee training needs. You can also email for more information. 

Location Downtown Redding Community Leadership Center (CLC) | 1401 California St, Redding, CA 96001 | 3rd Floor